
Oh yeah no this is fucking great. I get around 5 hours of sleep a night during the week.

Went to bed early yesterday.

Just woke up after six fucking hours with a fucking headache and nightmares.

Sleep rhythms can be a fucking bitch.

  • 5
    What were the nightmares about? Endless loops?
  • 3
    W-wait. You have a rhythm? Lucky son of a bitch. I just got done watching TRON: Legacy again after like 6 or so years because I had a Coke and couldn't sleep. This happens regularly.

    Also, I know how ya feel, frequent nightmares here, HBP headaches a plenty. Just be happy you can sleep at all.
  • 1
    @greenhouse Burning houses and loved ones dying.
  • 1
    @linuxxx any idea why this happens? Too much pressure at work maybe? Despite the fact that it sounds like an awesome place.
  • 4
    Strangely enough I also woke up because of a nightmare after 6 hours of sleep today.

    In it I was sitting in a bus to France when we had to stop at a gas station to refuel the bus. The driver left the door open when suddenly a lady stormed into the bus and stabbed everyone to death with a knife while smiling.
  • 2
    @Jilano we were only 3 people in the bus.
    Just don't take any driving to France.
  • 3
    @linuxxx I have the same problems as you, but I went to my doctor and got some sleeping pills prescribed to me. I usually take one when I want to sleep early or it’s 4am and I can’t sleep.

    When it’s 4am, I send a sms to my boss and doctor telling them I’m going to take a sleeping pill and I’ll come in to work later.
    First thing I do when I wake up is go see my doctor to get my vitals checked and get a sick notice (the government will compensate for my hours not at work)
  • 2
    @Noob Not really :/ I do currently have killing neck pains, Haven't had that in ages....
  • 0
    Smoke little weed before sleeping.
    You feel good in the morning baby a little drowsy. But you sleep greet, and your neck pain lowers
  • 0
    @linuxxx Change your chair at work.
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