When I update my linux I usually keep the terminal to full screen.
Roommates enter :
Friend1: Now what the fuck did you do? What are these lines?
Friend2: It was a good laptop.
Friend3: So ungrateful.
Me: *faceplam*

  • 23
    no but it makes sense. if they don't see a GUI, they can't work with it, therefore it loses all value to them and is practically dead.

    it's a pity there's no ctrl + alt + F1 on windows.. we would be able to pester a lot of people with that muahaha

    btw, welcome to devRant!
  • 3
    Hahah ! Thank you! @balte
  • 4
    I remember back in the day when windows cmd used to be able to go to full screen.
  • 2
    open a terminal and everyone thinks, you are a hacker and mistrusts you.
  • 0
    True story! xD@ionxenia
  • 3
    My favorite thing to do back in secondary school was to use the tree command in Windows. Everyone thought you had broken something...
  • 2
    The amount of people thinking you're a hacker just because you use a terminal or work with keyboard more than the mouse, or even have an above average keystroke per minute rate.

    Sometimes people think that I'm Neo just because I use ctrl+t in Chrome.
  • 6
    @Noob made think of
  • 0
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