
Well, this is a rant about devRant! Sorry.
I like devRant, especially when my internet connection is fast. But when it is not, it is very annoying to wait for a rant to load whenever I click [read more]. I found myself skipping interesting rants that I want to read just coz I don't wanna be waiting doing nothing during the loading screen!
Suggestions for how to improve this:
- Just like facebook and devRant web app, Increase the limit of the text that loaded when loading the rants feed. Not all of it has to be visible in the feed, but when clicking read more, show the rest so I can continue reading the rant while the comments are loaded.
- If not, then like youtube, load the whole rant first from the server when clicking read more before loading the comments.
- (Even for short rants) when clicking on a rant, show the loaded text while fetching the rest of the rant. This way I can at least click the rant, and continue reading till the rest of it (or comments) is loaded.

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    Also: Maybe implement a client sided cache so if i reload a rant it only downloads updates. In my opinion that isn't that important tho. (Especially since implementing something like this was very annoying for me)
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    have you turned off avatars and feed images to see if it speeds up?

    @dfox I'm not sure how hard loading up async views would be in appcelerator but I think another option could be to add a low bandwidth mode that can turn off all images (preferably with settings to choose what). might help but I'm not sure if there's going to be a limitation there either.
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    I live in Europe and have "fast" internet. The longest anything takes to load is like .3s?
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    Technically the whole "rant" is already loaded in feed but not comments. @dfox maybe open rant with data from feed then load comments?
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    Or maybe just show the rest of the rant in the feed itself when clicking on read more and opening the rant when clicking elsewhere.
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    @kabbura @dfox said he didn't want to do that since shorter rants would be drowned between the longer ones.
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