
What linux distro's are you using? And why are you using that particular distro?

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    I'm using Ubuntu, because it's simple and I love Gnome UI.
    I was also tempted by OpenSuse.
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    I've been using Antergos for a while. I prefer it over Debian based distros because AUR is awesome. Pretty much all software is on there and generally up to date as well.

    (AUR is a community repository for pacman, the arch alternative to apt)
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    Arch. Because everything in it was put there by me not some dev at Ubuntu who decided I need all their apps.
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    manjaro because it's basically arch, except it's not irritating. it's rolling release, the packages are recent yet stable, it's got the aur and most things work out of the box. I'm also quite fond of mint because it's pretty much a properly functioning ubuntu
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    OpenSUSE. Was using Ubuntu, the Mint for a while but switched to try it out and digging my current set up.
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    Arch on my desktop, Ubuntu on my laptop, because despite it's shortcomings, Ubuntu's hardware support out of the box is very, very good.
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    Mint KDE, damn I need to switch probably.
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    @pbaruffaldix Same! Looking for something new though. But up until now I have always used Ubuntu gnome 👍
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    Mint for the easy way to use it. But i want to pass to manjaro asap
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    for servers we use ubuntu lts
    for workstations there is windows
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    For years I've been using Mint Cinnamon, for it's ease of use, customization, the large amount of available software, plus the latest versions added some interesting things by its own.
    I've also tried OpenSuse for a while and dig it. But Mint is my primary choice.
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    Antergos KDE with AUR support. Best combination yet.
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