
Client: We have a HUGE security problem.

Me: *thinks about any possible vulnerabilities* What is it?

Client: A user can take a picture of our website and steal our content.

I’m done for today.

  • 36
    Tell them to implement a highly restrictive EULA. (think Apple)
  • 105
    Ooooooo! Look at me! I just stole your rant!
  • 32
  • 15
    *minion voice* Bananaaa!
  • 13
    this is why I don't trust devRant, they did not improve their security, I mean what if people screenshot my avatar! I wouldn't be happy if they do -.-
  • 2
    This rant made my day πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 18
    Tell them there is a 100% security promised technique in programming called "void". All the code you wrote are invisible, the server you host is also inaccessible and the website itself is not visible to anyone. Remember. Void.
  • 15
    Block the website in any browser except IE11 or lower, then use an activex control to disable the printscreen buffer and the clipboard through an RMS policy.

    Then take your trusted torx screwdriver, slice open the abdomen of the client, and stuff your keyboard and mouse inside while they bleed to death.
  • 1
  • 1
    @dsteiner check out the tags on the rant.
  • 3
  • 3
    @PrivateGER yup just me and ma pet πŸ…
    This is to keep humans away from me πŸ˜πŸ˜€
  • 2
    @gitpush Can I pet your tiger?
  • 1
    @PrivateGER prove you are not human and you'll be safe πŸ˜›
  • 3
    √5.461.276 = 2.336,93731
  • 2
    @PrivateGER access granted, enjoy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 2
    @gitpush Your tiger is cute
  • 1
    @PrivateGER wait until he's hungry πŸ˜›
  • 2
  • 1
    @PrivateGER too late πŸ™„πŸ˜›
  • 5
    theoretically, you could make the webpage flash many times from white to colored.
    Not good for the eyes, but many screenshots would be white
  • 2
    Had a similar request, too. Told the client that it's not possible.

    Afterwards a friend and i had the brilliant idea to implement a Website with WebGL and only render parts per frame or havily randomized interlaced. That might actually be a solution...? =D

    Also, you have to clutter the html so that you cannot just copy-paste from there.
  • 3
    @Paramite Sometimes violence IS the answer.
  • 2
    Next git commit:

    On.buttonPush('printscreen', ()=>{
  • 6
    Oh this is very common.

    "Can we make it so people can view but not download the attachment in webmail?"

    "Uuuuuh... Ok"

    3 days later

    "People are taking screenshots of the attachment"

    One guy I know actually wrote a script that hooks up to an OCR API to quickly get the contents of the screenshots. Clever stuff.

    Unfortunately the attachments contain patient data and they had to ask him to stop because he was basically sending it to a 3rd party.

    If only there was a way he could download the PDF in the first place...

    There's a lesson to be learned here somewhere.
  • 2
    Sorry to be this guy, but - this *might* be a security problem. Ideally the client may want their site to be visible only to some users, without the possibility of users taking pictures of it. So even though this may be something that a programmer cannot solve, it is still a valid concern.

    And sometimes it *is* possible to solve, by controlling the exposed data, controlling the physical access to the system, explaining the legal implications to the users, or some other means.

    Again, everything depends on the context; if you are making a news website, then it's obviously stupid.
  • 3
    @elazar It’s one of those “better than Facebook” sites lol
  • 2

    What if they take a picture with a camera?
  • 0
    @bittersweet They can still use a camera. Well, unless you also mandate hologramic displays which cannot be captured by a digital lens...
  • 0
    @xxxx @vandorjw

    And submit all ends users to brainwashing so they don't remember what they saw. Storing intellectual property in your brain is infringing on copyrights!
  • 0
    Now imagine them finding out about HTML Inspector in browser console
  • 1
    @ARYAN-GULATI Seriously? Are you only here for stickers and think spamming on OTHER PEOPLE'S RANTS AND BEGGING FOR STICKERS IS OKAY?
    Get out.
    @dfox @trogus, take care of this guy please.
  • 1
    @ARYAN-GULATI Have fun with that, because you will not receive any free stuff with you spamming. The site is run by two people, who I just tagged, that will make sure your shit behavior is not rewarded.
  • 0
    @ARYAN-GULATI you only get em once. try making a rant instead of spamming, i’m sure you can get one too
  • 1
    @king hes banned now, lol
  • 0
    @PrivateGER lool that was quick
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