
Overheard 2 colleagues having an interesting telephonic meeting late night at my room.
Dev 1: Wait. I am trying to fix it.
Dev 2: Ok. Take your time
Dev 1: Shit. I found it. I knew I was doing something wrong here.
Dev 2: Oh. Nice. What was the bug?
Dev 1: It was a super silly mistake. Don't want to tell. Folks will laugh at me.
Dev 2: Don't worry. It happens with everyone. Come tomorrow at office, and whisper it in my ears. Noone will know.

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    @byte-me if you are wondering what the silly mistake was, even I don't know as of now. Will try to intervene tomorrow when Dev 1 whispers it to Dev 2 about the mistake. 😈
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    What a cliffhanger!
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    @github Well? What was it? *curios*
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    @zshh since you asked, I was successful in acquiring the mistake Dev 1 did.
    Dev 1 created a cloned workspace of an existing one and was making all changes in it, but forget to change the directory path in another repo which consumes this workspace.
    Hence, wasted few hours understanding why the changes aren't fixing the bug.
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    @github I’m guilty of that as well haha.
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    @zshh haha. I did this same almost 6-7 months back. Now, while debugging, checking the correct path is always my first action item.
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