
Why does Europe have to format their currency with commas where decimals should go and decimals where commas should go? I suspect it causes our currency formatter to drop the commas so values like 87,56 turn into 8756; amounts 100 times the intended amount. Somehow I can’t reproduce the bug but business users keep complaining about it happening. Not even my code and yet I’m stuck sifting through it to track down this one weird edge case. 😖

  • 2
    $1,000.00 = 1000.00
    $1.000,00 = wtf?
  • 6
    That's because we format our numbers that way 🤷‍♂️
  • 10
    Why did the rest of the world decide to format their numbers the weird way and not like us Europeans?
  • 15
    When we saw that senseless american date format we decided to fight back.
  • 7
    This sucks even more in science. Everything you have to convert a huge dataset because some devices record with comma and some with point.

    But also: Why do the USA have to use a set of totally tucked up units which make no sense at all? The length of three barley corn as a unit? Come on! :D
  • 0
    well in Switzerland (still in Eurooe, but not in EU) we denote decimals too with a point. So 1000.00 or 1'000.00 seems legit for me too 😁
  • 0
    @ddephor touché mofockas
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