
Getting called by my dad "how do I make a local network with my phone?"
"I don't fricking know, I don't have your phone"
"Well you are the tech guy"
Really now?

  • 3
    Yeah my mom is the same. She also never remembers anything so I have to help her do the same simple thing over and over (there's nothing wrong with her memory). She sometimes asks me what her password is...
  • 2
    @simeg ALL. THE. FRICKING. TIME.
  • 2
    @simeg how do you know my life story.
  • 1
    We should all create a group for our moms where they are responsible one week at a time for remembering the other mom's passwords.
  • 2
    @simeg congratulations you have fixed all our problems!
  • 1
    @simeg or a group where we have all the moms and one of us is responsible for solving their issues for one week. So you have to do it like once a year or something
  • 3
    @simeg you should be patient with her, she spent years teaching you to wipe your own ass
  • 1
    @biscuit all the ++s. The money our parents spent raising us should probably cover the tech support bills anyway.
  • 1
    @biscuit I am. But it's just that I learned how to wipe it after a few years, she still uses IE and calls me asking why stuff doesn't work on the Internet (even though I've showed her the Chrome icon many times).
  • 1
    @simeg delete the ie icon, or change the shortcut link so it opens chrome
  • 1
    @biscuit she manages to find it anyway but yeah, second tip I'll consider actually doing. Thanks!
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