
on an interview for an apprenticeship as IT support, got a question that should've been simple, but got dragged to far beyond. "what if you can't figure out a solution to a problem? what if there are no colleages to ask? what if google isn't available, what if the nothing in the universe can solve it?"

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    @g-m-f problem solved :D
  • 1
    What did you say? Sounds a bit unrealistic to be able so solve a problem without any help! Did you get the job?
  • 2
    sadly i didn't get it, another classmate that is better to talk than with computers got it, and don't remember what i answered. luckily i got an apprenticeship a year later now :p
  • 1
    thanks for the +1 @dfox and for this awesome app! :D
  • 1
    @lynxis no, thanks for a great rant!
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