
Is this seriously the devRant website? It has an advertisement for the mobile app that takes up 60% of the screen?!?!

  • 4
    265px actually.
  • 3
    I was disappointed as well when I saw it.
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    @codePolitics None responsive?
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    @Jilano =O
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    I see where you're coming from but, what else could be put there instead? If you make the rant section full size some rants would fit on just one line and it would probably look quite odd. It's probably there for convenience say if for whatever reason someone can't use their phone.
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    @GCHQ I'd out multiple columns of rants or listing them two or three per row
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    @alas hmm not sure how effective that would be from a UX point of view but I guess if it was implemented correctly then yea that's a possible solution.
  • 3
    The design makes the site work the same way on both a PC and a mobile device. So it doesn't matter what device you use to view the site, it always looks the same.
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    @WildCard9 And why is that good? Are we so allergic to change that we can't give up sameness for a better ux?
  • 5
    @alas more people use the app than the site so it makes sense. The multiple column idea doesn’t work well because rants are all different sizes. If you are looking for something you can use on a desktop check out devRantron. It is very well designed.
  • 2
    Welcome to our wonderful community! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Have fun! 😀
  • 0
    well think about it - the devrant feed is slender, and only takes up a relative "9:16" space on a 16:9 display. of course the ad is gonna look like it takes up most of the screen - the devrant feed is just thin
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    @ryanmhoffman unless you have arch - last time i tried to install fromthe aur, it led to an incorrect file format
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    For me devrant is an app first
  • 7
    New site will be done soon, it has a 3 column layout showing other secondary things
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    @ParkCity try installing from source. I’m literally using it on arch right now.
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    i use the mobile app or a third party desktop app i dowloaded from electron.atom.io/apps
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