
Are you serious? Are you afraid of an SQL injection or something, and instead of properly sanitizing your queries you disallow characters? Or is your software and database so outdated that you're afraid special characters will break it? Goodbye security

  • 6
    @Alice my default PW length is 32 how the fuck can you have passwords that short??! Probably I'm too creative for this world...
  • 4
    @b3b3 funkyAlphaPharmaBatteryLover9001 or something like that? :p
  • 21
    @lotd no. It's more like l-Ity496vBg+1hJjLa095sv6. Generated by a windows user trying to exit vim
  • 0
    @Artemix when did I get down voted?🤔
  • 1
    @Artemix thanks :3 I don't really care about how many ++s I have and I totally understand someone down voting me because I probably said something that triggered him/her whatever. But that's just my way to generate passwords (working in 2017) 😂

    Love you BTW <3
  • 2
    That pisses me off when they go overboard instead of just being smart.
  • 0
    My generic password is 15+ and includes the characters listed :(
  • 0
    @Artemix Disabling Js wouldn't do much.
    Cuz y'know.. There's that thing called backend validation 🙄
  • 0
    It's funny because generally it's the other way around.
  • 2
    Please ensure your password complies with the following rules:
    -between 3 and 4 characters long
    - Must start with a capital letter
    - Must not contain digits or any other non-letter characters except punctuation
    - Must end with one of the following characters: .!?
    - Must not be the answer to Life, the universe and all that
  • 0
    @Artemix Yeah, they probably haven't even bothered doing the backed validation...
  • 0
    I wanna try SQL injection xD
  • 1
    Seriously this shit is so simple to pull off, here some script of mine that is even countering brute force though encryption time.

  • 1
    @Artemix it would stale , the iteration count would need to be adjusted to the server hardware and userbase.

    I normally aim 0.3s hash operation on users, for administator accounts, on the other hand, I have a higher iteration count, therefore, a longer hashing process.
  • 0
    @b3b3 correcthorsebaterrystaple?
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