
What if, like, someone just wanted soem help with model formats? What is this all about? Why can't you just join the opensource project? It's so easy: you help, everything is fine, project can open more maps.


  • 1
    Maintainer's a latent schizo who pretended to be Jewish, Chinese, a pedophile, an incel and a feminist purely to generate conflict. Doesn't sound like a pleasant work environment.
  • 3
    This alternative is also easy.

    You invest all the time you invest writing shit and making bots, and implement your shitty support for your shitty engine.

    You get your maps, and we get rid of you. Win win.
  • 1
    @lorentz "Jewish, Chinese, a pedophile, an incel and a feminist"

    All these types tend to be programmers; no issue. Maintainer is trying to show a welcoming environment.
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX Meet half way:

    You get the maps, yes; but also help add support for other somewhat related formats. Thus everyone gets more maps.

    Engine isn't that bad; supports most gfx AAA stuff.
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