
A genuine request to everyone who loves devRant.Our very own @chaosesqueteam and his team of a bazillion bots is begging for our help. Please give him some deserving reviews for all the hardwork he has done here on his beloved project so more people are aware what kind of work he does.


  • 7
    ChatGPT can imitate a NYC girl really well.

    Would love to see how creative can people be !
  • 8
    I wouldn't really go as far as harass the guy. I don't like him, but he put effort and time into the project and just because he's a dick doesn't mean we get to shit on something he spent possibly months putting together with friends or whatever.
  • 9
    @Hazarth Just giving him, a taste of his own medicine.

    Also, i agree with you completely that is why i didn't shit on his project, everything is about him and absolutely accurate, nothing exaggerated
  • 5
    @Hazarth indeed. But it also doesn't mean that we should support him.
  • 4
    If the guy just applied himself one day at a time he could be an expert in what he needed done.
  • 9
    The bots make it feel like a troll battalion is behind this all and the game is just a coverup to make him appear a real person. I don't have concrete evidence, but what's been happening to devrant for the past couple years feels like it's from a psyops handbook.
  • 1
    @Hazarth yeah i think we should stay civil and not harass him as it won’t resolve anything and will piss him off even more
  • 4
    @Nanos the air of helplessness.
  • 1
  • 0
    @ostream I wouldn't call it a conspiracy since there's no assumption that the actor is not hostile.
  • 0

    There is this also.
  • 11
    @Nanos did you not read the homophonic, racist, transphobic and misogynistic posts. Along with the death threats and paedophilia.
    Your suggestion is to be kind?
    This is either a troll or group of trolls or one fucked up individual. Whatever it is, implying it might be due to being autistic is an insult to people on the spectrum.
    I wont be harassing them but wouldn’t go anywhere near helping them.
  • 0
    @ostream what part of this song makes you think it was about you?
  • 3
    @Nanos And now, its you who has taken up the position to get destroyed by me. You see, I had nothing to do with this yet I got pulled in. Fine.

    The reason the OG's don't hate me is because I'm not a massive insufferable douchebag like you who thinks spending 5+ years anywhere means you get credibility.

    You see, I get my messages across in few sentences. Go on, write a freaking novel. I dare you.

    And BTW if you respond "a freaking novel" like last time, I'd know you are scared of me. Go on, surprise me.
  • 2
    Kudos to franci123, whoever you are. This is what i would have preferred to write if i were not frustrated over my head.
  • 2
    Coming back here cuz I saw this -> "Like you wouldn't go to Sid's YouTube channel and say nasty things, just because he is being a jerk to folk.".

    Motherfucker @Nanos try it bitch, I dare you you little maggot eating bitch ass punk, try it. I will pound your and your dead mama's ass so hard your entire heritage will feel it. You ain't man enough, never was and never will be.

    I ain't afraid of anyone, come at me bitch.
  • 10
    @Nanos have you not seen the comments that the person in question posts to some people? It gets pretty nasty real quick. While I don't have absolutely anything about the person posting for help (we do have collabs here and such) and his project is interesting enough, I would not categorize someone that says the things they say in such a tone as someone that everyone should take it easy on.

    I won't harass the person in question, nor do I have any ill will towards them, but still man, some of those comments are far too nasty and hateful, not to mention downright creepy.
  • 5
  • 0
    @Nanos The thing is in order to lose respect, you must have it in some sense. That's why it's so hard to make fun of him. Also the lack of any meaningful or atleast understandable words makes you realise it's like talking to your toddler, its just gonna be a bunch of gugu gagas. which in this case is always those 7-8 cuss words he picked some from street.

    My point being, if you fight with a toddler, it's you who's being stupid. And as much i would hate to say it, the spammer is more worthy opponent than him.
  • 0
    oh so it's now @Nanos and @coldfire teaming up together... what is it Gujju? now you need a team to face me? Can't do it on your own, can you?

    Do I need to post screenshots of the last time I owned your fucking ass? You bet I have them.

    Nanos I know you're reading this and I know it hurts when you don't see people make a fuss about me. Thing is, they never will. But it's funny to me how you want others to hate me but you're making everyone hate you instead.
  • 3
    @Nanos were your friends who took their own lives threatening people online or saying how they wanted to marry little girls? I doubt it.

    My words were that I wouldn’t be harassing whoever this is but certainly wouldn’t help them.

    I have a child who is autistic and certainly wouldn’t come out with this vile crap. Not everyone is a misunderstood, sensitive person who just needs someone to be kind to them. Some people are just arseholes.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy Obviously you have it, only you are useless enough to thing about such things all the time.
    Other people got shit going on in their life.

    Just because i got bored of your nonsense, you thought you won some holy battle, you delusional dumbass. And even the universe agreed with my decision, and gifted me with $5k bonus for just being silent, if you remember well.
  • 4
    @Nanos this person specifically targeted users here, making racist comments and death threats. They are definitely an arsehole. Mobbing and online bullying isn’t something I’d participate in, it’s usually stopped here pretty quickly when someone starts and it’s not a solution.

    Your suggestion at being kind and helpful because they might be this way due to autism is where I have a problem. Autism and this kind of crap are not correlated. All it does is add to the issues those with autism already have to deal with.
  • 7
    @Nanos I've said multiple times before, but people were absolutely not "mean to him first."

    Sid might be hot headed and a bit of a dick sometimes, but I've never heard him try to justify raping kids. If he tries that, then yeah he gets the same subhuman treatment as I give this guy.

    I'm not going to start leaving bad reviews or spamming his sourceforge page, but I'm not going to try to frame a moral argument to stop anyone who wants to either 🤷‍♂️
  • 3
    @Nanos nah fam, saying pedo like shit as an answer to getting confronted is absolute 100$ bullshit , and if you support that shit then you are as weird as he is, I have seen the replies, they are fucking disgusting. Being mean to someone online does not demerit saying weird pedo shit. Stop being a white knight over shit like this, it is not worth it. And if you seriously defend that pedo shit for the sake of being neutral then i don't want shit to do with you.
  • 1
    @Nanos and no, Sids comments have never been as creepy pr pedolike like the main dude in question, what are you on about? way different targets. The people you dislike have nothing to do with this, this is absurd
  • 1
    @Nanos you trying to bring peace with his bullshit is concerning, specially considering all the pedo weird shit he has said.
  • 2
    @Nanos you have no clue about autism, just because you’ve known a few people with it means nothing.

    That guy targeted people who had done nothing.
  • 1
    @Nanos you want to help the chaos guy, go help him. But shut up for once.... I swear I have seen autistic people with better reasoning than you. Pathetic old man.

    And oh, I know you're reading this. You can't help it, can you?
  • 0
    The prodigal dumbass returns....
  • 0
    @coldfire still looking for more money Gujju? why don't u subscribe for $10 a month to me, I will put you in your place every day, who knows maybe you will make more money by me calling you a bitch.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Oh yeah, is sister named sand too 😂😂😂

    I wont mind pounding her as long as she aint ugly looking like you
  • 0

    "Oh yeah, is sister named sand too"

    RIP Grammar. Go back to 1st grade and learn proper English grammar. Please.
  • 1
    This fuck doesn't get any more view from me and everyone who talks about him and tries to imitate also goes into my mental block list. Fucking stop engaging with this attention whore!
  • 0
    @Nanos ur not autistic, ur a fucking retard.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Look at the irony, you trying to be oversmart and pointing out mistakes in my English, wake your delusional ass up and read it again, it's just dumbed down so a dumbass like you can read it.

    Not even considering the fact that anytime i say some derogatory without evening naming anyone, your stupid ass always knows it's about you and responds right away.
  • 0
    @Nanos Hitting the downvote button feels so good, doesn't it? It means I KNOW you're reading this. Great feedback cuz that's all I wanted.

    You're a fucking bitch, and a retard. Fuck yourself.
  • 0
    @coldfire so there are no comments on this thread today, I post a comment and 2 mins later you say the prodigal dumbass returns ... and that's not about me? You notice how you said it wasn't about me but neither u said who it was for.

    Please Gujju, im telling you, you ain't winning this, stop embarrassing yourself and go hide in a corner of your basement.

    You know already that I will OWN your ass again at some point. Go on, entertain me.
  • 0
    @coldfire Oh I know why you're doing this, you're hoping to get paid outta this, like last time, aren't you?

    Ah, the things we do for our stomachs. Go on, continue the fight. Maybe you will walk away with some money so you can feed your mom and dad.

    I feel great fighting with you because now I know that your family is eating meals because of me.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Read that comment again, and this time don't forget to read, "anytime". I am not denying the fact, this time it was infact about you, it's just how anything insulting i say anywhere and you pop up, assuming it's you.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy You are nothing more than a delusional bong. And i dont blame you, given that bongs are known for, being poor, useless and delusional as fuck.

    Your generations wouldn't be able to earn what i alone have already spent. So yeah whine all you can, cause you will be able to do. If only you had learnt something worthwhile, you wouldn't have to run a whorehouse to feed your family.
  • 0
    @coldfire oh mr rich guy flexing his cash on me fr fr.

    Bruh, how can you flex your money on me when I'm the one who gets you paid by fighting with you online? You yourselves said that the last time I fought with you, you got paid $5K.

    So this time, how much is it? 1K ? 2K ? make sure that you eat lunch/dinner and thank me cuz it came to your plate because of me.

    It's fine slam back with what u want to. I understand that people have to feed themselves.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Not flexing my money dumbass, and if i had to flex i would on real amount, not on some spare change. And yeah, i do get paid for my skills unlike you who gets fucked for free
  • 0

    "unlike you who gets fucked for free"

    oh man, you get fucked for money??!!!! I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy 😂😂😂 i knew it your dumbass would think exactly this, that why i specified "for my skills" and yet your half brain couldn't understand it. I don't blame you, it's not your fault you were born dumb.
  • 0
    @coldfire Those skills being sucking dick. I know youre an escort. Come on be honest, what's ur rate? I will pay you that for sucking my dick.

    Come on, you already make money by fighting with me.. make some more money by sucking me off.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy ha ha, that's such a nice joke, cause you dont even have a dick. Although fucking you isnt a bad deal afterall cause i can brag about how i fucked a bitch with three nipples, two on her chest and one on her face 🤭🤭🤭
  • 0
    @coldfire And along with bragging, you will have memories of you sucking my dick and put dinner on the plate for you, your mom and your dad.

    Yeah I know it wasn't a bad deal, that's why I offered. Come on, tell me what's your rate?

    Btw how much money have u made today at this point? 2K? 2.5K?
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Nothing much, just a little more than your monthly wage. Afterall, it's only been half the day.
  • 0
    @coldfire Good. Make sure to tell your parents that they're eating food because of me.

    Also suck my dick and I will pay you my annual wage. Take the offer, Im telling you.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Why do you want me to suck your dick so bad, isn't your sister around anymore or you dont have enough to pay her this time ? Dont worry, I could loan you some money to feed your family.
  • 0
    @coldfire Because I like bitches like you who can suck dick while crying like a retard.

    I'm offering you money all this time and now you're trying to loan me money? It's exactly what talking to a retard Gujju is like, what did I expect.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy No wonder you love bitches like that, you live in a whorehouse you haven't met any other type of women.

    And obviously i dont want your money, it stinks of your flith. Dont know how many guys, you would have sucked, to earn it. Keep it, let it jiggle in your pocket
  • 0

    "you haven't met any other type of women"

    See I knew you were a girl all along. In which case bitch go to the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

    "I don't want your money" - You literally make money off of me. Maybe I have made you 50 dollars by typing this comment.

    See I care about you and your family being able to eat lunch and dinner today. That's why I am saying instead of fighting me one off every now and then, you can suck my dick and make so much more money. Your family will thank you for being the whore that you are.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy The only thing that hurts me in this is how it lacks any sense of humour. Makes absolutely no sense, how about you try again dumbass. I know you would, not like you got anything better to do.
  • 0
    @coldfire so you accept your defeat once again!! I hail undefeated over this pathetic Gujju simp bitch boy.

    Off to the next target !!

    @Nanos don't think I have forgotten about you. I'm coming to fuck your old bitch ass.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Woah woah, hold your three nipples and sit on the side, you delusional dumbass. Stop dreaming you could ever defeat anyone, let alone me. , I would scrub the whole house with your sister's knees and still have energy left to bury you with my own hands
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy You wanna defeat me, first of all be worthy and stop bringing your blunt knife in a tank fight, not that i wouldn't like rolling you over, it just wouldn't be fun at all.
  • 0
    @coldfire hahaha be worthy? bitch i think you forgot the last time u tried messing with me and how I owned your motherfucking ass. Need me to show you evidence Gujju?
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy The only thing i want to UNSEE is that third nipple on your fucking face.

    I have been slaying your lame ass all day, i dont need proof, you ugly wookie.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy I dont need your delusions. Nor do i have to walk around adding "it guy" after my name, so some people may believe it. I got a pretty good reputation that precedes me and get me paid really well. But hey what do you know about reputation or respect !
  • 0
    @coldfire Oh man, resorting to personal insults, again. Just like last time, pathetic.

    I made you cry, didn't I? I can hear the sounds of your tears hitting the keyboard because now you type 2 replies instead of 1.

    It's fine, say what you want. Your family might get dinner tonight if you keep fighting. Ah, the things we do for our stomachs.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Calling you three nippled, dumbass, bong or just someone without reputation isnt a insult, it's just plain old facts.

    If only you had the balls to be a breadearner, your family wouldn't have to rely on the whorehouse, so true, the things we do for our stomach.
  • 0
    @coldfire exactly what someone would say who's holed up crying in his room.

    Aw man, please stop crying and tell your pathetic family that my engagement on your posts earns them bread and they can sleep with their stomachs full.

    Who knows, maybe for once, they will be proud of your under achieving ass that you found me.

    Btw, my offer is still up for you to suck my dick. Give me your nightly rate and I will arrange for it to happen.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy If only you typing from a keyboard all day could feed a family, you would live at a better place than that whorehouse.

    And so naive of you to think that i would be interested in sucking your dick, i wouldn't do that to your sister. Cant take away her job like that, what do think i am, a monster. Spend your spare change in the family, they might need it more for important things like food, clothes, some medicine for their STDs and maybe a paper bag to cover your third nipple.
  • 0
    @coldfire Aw, look at the clap-backs. You see, I don't have a sister so your argument falls apart. But I know you have a disappointed mom and dad who pity you trying to win a fight online.

    But I get it, you're chasing that money reward you got last time I owned your Gujju ass, but Im telling you why bother? Suck my dick and you can have my entire annual earnings! Why wait for someone else to pay you? Get it from me!
  • 0
    @ostream OMG thank you for making me giggle after this long day. I have been dying to get some good humour today.
  • 0
    @ostream see I know the 2 upvotes you've gotten are from @Nanos and our Gujju bitch @coldfire.

    They are so desperate for someone else to join the battle against me, because even these two bitches combined can't stand in front of me.

    Good work on entertaining these kids and the old man.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy What you need is some mental help, you just called your own mother a whore, how low you have been on the spectrum to be do that. Seriously man, all this trash talk aside, get some real help, you are pathetic as fuck.
  • 0
    @ostream awww, that's cute. But you just killed him by making him a "gujju" lion. Now he would have to kill himself. You should have made some more from that bong state, maybe like a sewer rat.
  • 0
    @coldfire where did i mention my mother??? You can read properly, right? I know you don't know proper grammar but you can read..... right?

    This is what happens when internet bitches go to Hindi medium schools.

    Coldfire please level up your reading, I heard there are English courses where you can learn how to read properly. It's getting difficult for me to understand your texts when you can't read properly.
  • 0
    @ostream Who said i have a problem with one, i have been talking to one all my day. Just the stench of rotten cum from their bodies is what irritates me a bit. Not to mention, the range of stds that they walk around with.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Go back to the other rant and read again. Obviously it's in hindi, so it will take a few tries before you get it.
  • 0
    @coldfire you're 5 years old, its so pathetic that I've been wasting my time with someone who makes 'undi mandi chandi' kindergarten jokes,

    Ughh I've been fighting a 5 year old kid all this time. Yeah I am gonna have to stop at this point, I can't go lower than that.

    I already defeated you once, but I'll let you have this one. I don't want you to have a traumatized childhood.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy It would be so nice to see you shut up for a while, i totally understand your brain is fucked up and cannot keep up this facade for you anymore. I know you will be thinking about me in your dreams, deluding that one fine day you can hurt me, but its a dream after all, and it will be crushed like all of your other dreams have been.
  • 0
    @ostream I know, if only we hadn't hunted down most of them for fun, we would have some powerful animals in that region of India. Now with the predators gone, it just filled with cats pretending to be tigers.
  • 0
    @ostream Dont pick on the 5 year old please.

    Bullying kids online is not a good thing to do. Keep it among the grownups please.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Duh, you such a big liar.

    Nor did you kill yourself,

    nor did you shut up.

    Now who's being the toddler ?
  • 0
    @coldfire yeah no kiddo, you're the big man here and we're all losers here.

    I don't talk smack to 5 year olds on the internet.

    You see I encourage young kids to grow up. Come on, I'm counting on you.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy We understand your lack of sense of humour. You dont have to prove it now, stop trying so hard.

    And here's your medal for not being a pedophile 🏆, atleast yet.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy Just noticed you deleted half of the hateful venomous comments you have been spewing all day cause you had a couple of downvotes on them.
    That's such a cowardly move.
    No wonder people agree to me calling you a sore loser.
  • 0
    @ostream I dont think we can blame the tiger, if we cut down it's forest and build houses over there, the poor animal has to feed itself somehow. Like we have a large city almost dedicated to lions with minimal human population to let the lions thrive.
  • 0
    @ostream Yeah that's true most of these animal species have coexisted with humans civilisations for thousands of years, its only the last few decades, that we have seen so many species of animals just go extinct. We can't deny, we are the problem here.
  • 2

    We "re-introduce wolves" here. The idiots thought they would only mate with the alphas. That is not how it works ever. So the population shot up. Now we have annual wolf hunt. So kind of a win win IMO. The animal lovers got the precious wolves back and people get the satisfaction of shooting them. Peta hates it. So again, win win.
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