
i've talked 2 friends through installing arch
working on 3
and so the infection continues to spread >:)

p.s. loving i3 oml

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    wait until you try NixOS ;)
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    Can somebody please explain what the fuck that i3 thing is? Everyone keeps mentioning it but all I find on the interwebs is BMW models, intel chips and desktops filled with nothing but terminals
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    Oh cool. Is it better than the one built into gnome?
  • 1
    It's just another window manager afaik, like gnome or unity 🤔
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    @Jilano So it only works with terminals then?
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    @Froot no, you can use terminals to open applications and organize from there
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    @ParkCity Hmm ok. So no conventional desktop with icons and the like?
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    @Froot yup, no icons. and to start, no background image - you can set one though. you start out your time in session by opening up a terminal, and open other applications that way. there IS mouse support, in case you wanna browse the web, use a file manager, etc...
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    @Froot the Arch package is " i3 "

    i'll post a reply with screenshots of what it looks like
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    @ParkCity Probablly not my cup of tea 😄
    I'm quite happy with my gnome desktop
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