
That mini-heart attack you get when you press Ctrl+A instead of Ctrl+S.

  • 4
    Don't worry Ctrl+Z is always there to rescue
  • 2
    @aitkotw until you press ctrl + q directly after it!😰
  • 5
    On Mac, the heart attack when you hit ctrl + cmd + eject (reboot) instead of ctrl + shift + eject (lock screen)...
  • 4
    On Linux terminal it is

    sudo rm -rf <wrong directory>
  • 0
    as wiseman said "Always ctrl+s wherever you are"
  • 2
    Real heart attack is when clicked cmd+q instead of cmd+w to close a window
  • 1
    @justwellbrock Or when you try to rm a directory named "~" and end up deleting your home dir.

    Thankfully I kept backups.
  • 0
    @CraftedCart oh my goodness. Pls don't o.O

    I also keep everything except configs as backup (except for some) thought about managing my dev machines config with ansible, but that may be too much work.
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