So I was leaving work today and accidentaly clicked the chrome app, and discovered this gem

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    OmG s0 k00L & tRenDy!!
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    I like them already.
    I like companies that aren't afraid to say their mind and stand for what's right.
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    @Froot yeah but they are not just speaking their mind. Speaking your mind when what you say is publicly acceptable is easy. Saying something against public opinion, now *that* takes balls.
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    Ughhh u guys still on this Trump impeachment thing??? He is ur president... Deal with it and vote him out in 2020 if u can. Y'ALL are beating a dead fucking horse now.

    Question: What would've happened of this message was against Obama? Would you post and be so proud about it?
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    @MrCSharp First of all, I'm not an American. The reason I posted this was because I thought it was funny that they'd created an offline page, end of discussion
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    @MrCSharp Obama was not the annoying orange. He was an actual president worthy of the office not some spoiled fuck who acts like a 12 year old.
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    @cyberlord64 Well they still said it out. It might damage their relations with some people but they didn't mind. I respect that
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    @Froot you lost credibility when you said "orange". Also, just remember this: "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."

    You guys lost the debate long time ago and now all u r left with is slander and name calling... Stay classy
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    @CyaWorld not American either, but i asked a legit question. Oh and i was talking to everyone, not specifically just you.
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    @MrCSharp Were we having a debate? Didn't know we did. But consider this a win for yourself, I don't mind. Everyone needs a win once in a while
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    @Froot read my comment again... I said "guys" not "you". besides, there is no debate with someone who resorts automatically to name calling... that is plain stupid to do.
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    @MrCSharp You grab at any word just to "score a win" don't you?
    This was a peaceful rant untill you showed up and started attacking everybody

    Chill out man
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