Fuck you cock sucking turd licking MS Teams.
What kind of assrat did code you into the marooned abomination you are?
I will take the timeachine and retroactively abort your devs.

  • 12
    But then we'll get the timeline with ad-infested MS Skype as the leading video conferencing tool.
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    @Lensflare bring MSN Messenger back
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    it's not the devs. it's the myriads of middle managers who ALL want each and every one of their useless requirements implemented.
  • 1
    Sure Teams is bad... but have you tried New Teams? :P
  • 2
    We've really haven't had problems with MS Teams. In fact, we're on track to replace our internal phone system with Teams. YMMV
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    What's bad about teams ? I have 0 issues.

    Anyone care to provide an example ?
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    what were you doing when u were writing this rant? be honest.
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    @Voxera you madame, are a person of true culture and you are a scholar.
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    @PaperTrail @NoToJavaScript honestly it mostly works well for me, also with phone integration, but since 6 weeks ago I've got this seemingly unfixable issue. Screen sharing crashes it every time. Tried everything... might try to sacrifice a coworker next...
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    @PonySlaystation I had a similar problem - do you have both integrated and dedicated graphics? After I configured either windows or Nvidia, I forget which, to run teams using dedicated graphics, screen sharing didn't crash it anymore.
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    Some dude at work was saying similar things this morning.
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    @Voxera is that an IRC chat client?
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    @NoToJavaScript we're experiencing reoccuring issues when it does not load ALL the messages when it reconnects.

    e.g. you wake your computer, it loads some messages and you believe it's operational. Then, X hours later, it loads rest of the messages from other contacts. You can see on the timestamp they're old but it did not show any message/notification for X hours.

    Not receiving info, especially when dealing with outages or deadlines, is a great feature. + The person who messaged you, thinks you're an uncooperative asshole who ignores his urgent messages.
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    @Demolishun Yes, before MSN and AOL messenger :)

    And before you used email as identification, just a number :)
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    @Voxera I think I used to use ICQ. Been so long I almost forgot.
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    @qwwerty Hmm interesting

    I disabled sleep on my PC so it stays ON all the time, so maybe I didn't see this issue because of that
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