
Here, code reviews are not happening 🙁☹ī¸

When the actual error comes to the prod, we dig into the logs and figure out the reason.

The project is not stable and in the development phase, so requirements are coming too much every month with deadlines.
Deadlines are mostly 1 to 2 weeks.
Sr. Devs mostly merge PR without reviewing it.

I had lots of opportunities though due to various requirements like I learnt AWS dynamo DB, S3, and a few things regarding EC2.

But the coding standard which needs to be learned that I think I'm lacking because my code is not getting reviewed.

Not only about coding, we have to create a ticket in Jira for our task which is decided in the scrum and needs to assigned to ourselves.

In the name of scrum, there are 1 to 2 hours of meeting where they started brainstorming about new requirements and how we are going to implement them.

What should I do to make my code more cleaner and professional?

  • 0
    Pretty normal practice. Same advice like with dating basically - just lower your standarts.
  • 2
    Common, but definitely not ideal. We have this problem on small/medium projects where the people who have worked on it the longest feel they don't need to be reviewed, so this becomes the standard for others as well.

    Aside from the obvious sanity checking, my justification for needing a review process is how it makes it safer to suggest changes. If you have people who are anxious about causing issues, they might spend a ton of time trying to make their trivial fix waterproof when they would otherwise push it right away for someone to LGTM it.
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