
Downloaded a merely 27.2MB file. Download stopped at 27MB.

Oh did I mention it took 10++ minutes? 😭😭😭

  • 4
    I know the feeling! My Internet connection is also horrible. Fear not, I have a solution!

    Find wget for Windows and download it (or just learn to use the utility if on Linux). It'll take any direct file URL to download and will retrieve it. It is persistent and apparently even can pause and resume a download.

    I'm sure someone made a GUI for it too somewhere if you need that.
  • 5
    While everyone else curses at our ISPs for the internet speed and what not, I sometimes sit back and think about how far we've come.

    We send invisible electromagnetic waves over thousands of miles around the globe to get even the smallest thing done on the internet. Then there are various measures in place for security and for correct web addressing which obviously take some time. Plus billions of active users every second. Thousands of process to packet your data in the right way so that you get the fastest speed in the least time possible. All available at our fingertips. IN MILLISECONDS. Think about it. Its amazing.

    It isn't much of a stretch to say that we have become spoiled brats after using such a sophisticated system from a small age. Our expectations are way too high and yet the industry is fulfilling it. I find this very fascinating.

    I know this doesn't speed up your download or recover your file but maybe it will make you a little patient?
  • 3
    @TheCapeGreek oh didn't know wget is available for windows. I use Linux for coding and cli wget is one of my favorite tools. But have to sit on windows 10 today for a video editing task. Gonna look into it.
  • 1
    @mrlinnth yep! Also, a download manager is obviously better as mentioned though. Wget was my moment of clarity last Friday when I managed to download 200mb drivers on my tortoise connection.
  • 4
    @World I know you are saying the truth here. All the new tech and gadgets make us become a whiny inpatient annoying nerds lol 😀

    My patience level is actually high. I can usually go out buy a snack and finish it while waiting for my "composer update" or "git pull/push" to be finished. 😂😂😂
  • 4
    I remember downloading a 35mb file from Microsoft that ended up being 75mb... gg?
  • 2
    @Ashkin OMG that's worse than slow connection or interrupted download 😑
  • 1
    @mrlinnth first and only time Microsoft gave me more than I asked for 😄
  • 1
    27.2mb in 11 Minutes? Thats slow! Feels like stone age smoke sign Protocoll
  • 2
    @Salmakis there are worst days. Not kidding 💀
  • 0
    It took 10 minutes?
  • 2
    @World we also have a lot of undersea cables
  • 2
    @scholl3ss in my worst days, I couldn't even save an unsplash image. so .. :/
  • 1
    Me 10 years ago.

    You have my sympathies.
  • 1

    I would say that 10mins is good.

    My current speed is ~200kbps..
  • 1
    @Faraaz Yes. Again we need more interface for this, more processing time and yet so fast!
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