Replaced GNOME with mate I am impressed. It is so much better and lightweight than GNOME.
What de/distribution do you guys use/prefer?

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    @Torbuntu raspbian ?
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    @iihirotoii It's basically Debian for a raspberry pi.
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    @lithiex I know but did he meant he has raspbian running in VM or on actual Pi's? 😅
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    I actually dig all environments. Even unity, for some reason unity really clicked with me since it was simple to use and really made for the Ubuntu platform. I also am a big fan of xfce, since you can make it look absolutely beautiful without making it slow. Gnome took me some time to get used to, but it is very powerful. Kde is also amazing and I feel one of the best for cpp developers.
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    @Torbuntu i am a simple man, I see mint and cinammon and I upvote. Cheers on the good taste bud.
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    @AleCx04 I haven't tried KDE, I love xfce too.
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    @iihirotoii it is very powerfull but makes potato based pcs get hot fast as hell. The one thing that I can say is that gnome, xfce ans unity work automatically with multi screen setups. Kde requires some man handling. Which is fine in the end. We are Linux users, the true master race. We are used to doing things ourselves!!
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    @AleCx04 Oh 😁😁. Will give it a try.
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    At home s combo of what @Torbuntu has and Deepin Linux :)
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    It looks pretty basic though
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    Opembox or Windowmaker
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    Mint kde for over year now It's great. I used to like gnome but I find it's take even more processer then kde do.
    Now kde isn't that much processer hungry. Kde become so mature now in starting plasma 5 there were so many bugs. But now it's all Great. And they are really quick to release and bug fixing. Used xfce for while too. So does little mate. They both are good. Elementary is good too. I guess they just need more time and it will be really exciting to see what they can pull off. Not a fan of budgie. I don't like how they show notifications.
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    I am a simple man, I use gnome shell on Ubuntu
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    @babanomania yeah me too, although I'm thinking of switching to Fedora
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    I loved Deepin Linux, but my WiFi drivers were too buggy with my surface pro 3, couldn't find any fixes, do I replaced it with Fedora 😪
    (Fedora's okay, but loved Deepin)
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    I like gnome
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    Antergos with bspwm
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    @Torbuntu oh great!😁
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    @linuxxx i would have thought that you of all people would have been against using a chinese based Linux distro. Many people were cautious about it when it first came out if I remember correctly. If anything, i would imagine that you would be all for GNU approved free distributions :P
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