Wait. Did the good folks win?

  • 11
    It's a tactical victory, but not necessarily a strategic one.
  • 6
    He started to grow on me. Dammit
  • 4
    It was only starting to be fun, damn now I miss him.
  • 7
    Apparently his spokesman hasn’t left the platform 🙄
  • 3
    @retoor you can't be serious
  • 2
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
    @retoor and I just roll ;)
  • 2
    @retoor You might be going through Stockholm Syndrome
  • 14
    Isn't it astonishing how resilient this community actually is? He tried everything to start a flame war: he pretended to be a pedophile jew, a hardcore feminist, a chinese racist and what not. He bombarded us with provocant statement, but absolute nobody caught fire. It. Just. Didn't. Work.
    I dunno about you, but I tend to find this remarkeble.
  • 0
    @Nanos tf you mean, even me???
  • 2
    @Nanos I think so too
  • 5
    @Nanos See? Three sentences. Conveyed everything.

    Write short messages and you're cool. You ain't a dick like me.
  • 1
    @Nanos didn’t see you stand up for the common devranter getting pissed on by the bot master
  • 2
    @Nanos he brought the sticks with him though
  • 4
    @Nanos you were still supporting him even after he started spitting all this hatefull stuff, coming out as a pedophile and harassing people. I don't see that as supporting equal rights
  • 7

    So some rando comes here demanding us to work for free on his shitty project, starts spamming and botting (seriously, in case you haven't noticed, *you*are the only one who believes there are 269 lurkers that just so happen to agree with him only), starts insulting us because we don't bow to his wishes, starts making death threats, is a pitiful pedophile, transphobic and other stuff...

    And yet you "defend" him. Ok, that's fine, I guess, you like to be equidistant, and not pick sides.

    But do not expect then any of the sides siding with you.

    If you are so keen on still reading his written diarrhea, go follow him to his forum.

    I haven't seen devrant welcome anyone with a bit of common sense with pointy sticks ever.
  • 9
    @Nanos You need to drop this "he's just a helpless victim" act. He absolutely instigated the whole thing - no-one provoked him, beyond (very politely at first) telling him this isn't really the platform for asking for help on open source project work.

    In response to this, he called a whole bunch of people gay faggots, said we were new testament dick chopping retards, and then started to moan that we weren't tolerant of pedophiles, which he made very clear he supported. Then he created a whole bunch of other accounts to do the same thing again and again, while forming an upvote ring.

    There are absolutely times when people should be kinder to others on this platform. Dealing with self-righteous, demanding, homophobic pedophiles is not that time.
  • 3

    You could also stop trying to make it like it was nothing.

    And I'll polarize whatever the fuck I want, because

    A) you are not anybody to tell me what or what not to say, and

    B) because in case you didn't notice (which it seems you didn't), there *are* sides here.
  • 6
    @Nanos 🤦‍♂️
  • 2
    @electrineer This isn't even @Nanos's ultimate form!!
  • 7
    @Nanos I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here in that you may not have seen his first post - it was rather quickly deleted.

    He was definitely being provoked eventually, but it didn't start that way. He literally created a post asking for help (fine, there was nothing wrong with that post), and had some replies saying that collaborations on this platform didn't really happen anymore, so he probably wouldn't find the help he was asking for. Another reply said something about most people here not specialising in C.

    That was literally all it took for him to throw horrendous insults and create a bunch of alt accounts to do the same, and *no-one* was insulting in the slightest before that.

    No-one smelt blood, or weakness, or autism. They smelt the worst arsehole I've ever seen on this platform (or pretty much any forum I've seen, and I've also been active on various ones since the 90s) and reacted both angrily, and appropriately in my view.
  • 3
    @Nanos haha sure
  • 2
    Cancer is back. We're gonna need sharper sticks.
  • 2
    I disappear for a few days and miss an entire troll campaign, dammit.
  • 6
    also very interesting if you’re into studying the self-righteousness of a man who boasts about defending the "little guy" even when the latter is an aggressive advocate of criminal behavior.

    It’s also quite fascinating to notice how the former depicts devranters as partaking in herd behavior, when in fact all those who’ve reacted strongly to the troll’s content are regular contributors to the platform who have proven over the past to have strong opinions on an individual level, and whose reactions would most certainly be identical if confronted with the troll on a one-to-one basis

    This man — who seemingly likes to view himself as a mere spectator of events with more nuance and common sense than the average devranter— is in fact on the exact same level as everyone else. He is in the pit with the rest of us - as comical and pitiful and smart and stupid as all of us.
  • 5
    @nanos sorry to break it to you but you’re not "above" any of us. Now come down from your pedestal and stop with your moralizing bullshit. If you were more level with us we’d certainly consider what you have to say with more attention.
    I’ve honestly been more annoyed with you than with the troll. Most of us here have actually interacted with him in a quite civic manner considering the horrible stuff he’s said. And I’ve felt more troubled by your accusations against those who’ve engaged with him than the troll’s offensive tone
  • 3
    @nanos please read my two previous comments
  • 0
    Ooof, how tiring you can be...
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX wait for "that reminds me https://somerandolink.com"
  • 3
    @Nanos okay grandad, go to bed. It's late.
  • 5
    This entire thread is what the original troll wanted. This is how they break up sites.

    The proper response is to not engage at all. If the guy nanos is defending is a troll (idk I wasnt present at the time so missed everything as a result), then everyone talking on this thread should basically drop it. Guy is gone anyway. Were just beating a horse corpse.
  • 3
    @Wisecrack Thanking you commenting and putting it back up onto everyone's attention !
  • 0
    @coldfire your welcome!
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