So.. currently working on updating some hybrid mobile apps. Major updates, so requires drastic measures..

anyway, over in my Nx workspace now, I generate a new Angular app, add Capacitor and generate a new Android project.

Then when I open my new project in Android Studio, it recommends updating AGP from 8.0.0 to 8.1.1.

Waiting for the new packages to download, AS shows an orange warning message popup that reads "sync is taking an unusually long time", or something like that.

Software development from a third world country sucks donkey dick. Because I've "only" got a 20Mbps connection. 🤔

  • 2
    Meanwhile in Germany I have 1.2 Mbps
  • 3
    @Lensflare That's more than enough for your fax. :)
  • 2
    Living on a 20mbs 4g stick here. It's totally fine
  • 0
    We had 4K Bps at 28.8K bps in the 90s. If you were in a university you got 10Mbps or something similar.

    Or course we used to be able to boot off of 1.44MB floppies too.

    I kind of miss the days of simpler OSes. You didn't have fuckers spying on you when you just trying to do everyday things.

    I really like USB Linux installs.
  • 1
    @Lensflare definitely 3rd world there. :-0
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