
The only valuable life lesson I have ever gotten and I could give is 'fake it till you make it'. Doesn't it begin by playing an adult as a child? It's the same throughout whole life: Whenever they think you are good at something they will give you chances to actually do it and practice it. Regardless of we are speaking about sports at school (where they have to think you are good enough to give you the ball from time to time so you can even learn the game) or getting laid, or whatever job you are going to have: you have to fake some competence at first to get a chance to even try it. The key to success is to have a good feeling of how much fake is appropriate in which situation.
A lot of ppl in their early twenties and below think ppl are getting something they call mature or professional (when speaking about work) at one point in life. When they grow older and don't feel mature or prefessional at all but has to act as if they where, they feel like an imposter. But lemme tell you, now that I have to do with literal professors and other successful ppl: behind the scenes it's all the same fights and fears, the same anger and the craving for approval and friends hip, the same teaming IP and intrigues between them like between you and your mates back then on the playground.
At the latest when it comes to parenthood, you realize it. you got thrown into this huge quest with a shitload of responsibility and unnumbered side quests without any chance to be prepared and the same happened to your parents and theirs and to all the other parents you now are used to meet, back at the playground. All they can do is trying there best and keep a professional face. although some will tell you they are better at parenting bc they have have always the right size of diapers with them they are amateurs (or imposters if you want it) like you. Like your parents when you looked up to them pretending to know what they do. In fact, nobody knows. Maturity is a lie. Professionalism a fake. We stay always the same children playing in the sand we used to be. We only got better in playing adults.

So what now is imposter syndrome? Just another way modern society invented to hate yourself for being human.

That's it. Thats all I can tell about life after i survived the first half. I gave it all to you devrant, thank you for your attention, now get of my lawn.

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    ugh, @Nanos please start using ChatGPT to summarise what you wan to say. I'm begging you.

    It's like I want to read what you say, but I feel like I'm back to 11th grade when I had those thick-ass physics books. Damn.
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    @Nanos you gave up on being a parent a few years in? You scumbag, that's not an option. Where's the poor kid now?
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    @Nanos not going to lie, you sound like a scumbag right now.
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    @Nanos parents don't abandon their children. You were not a parent.

    Until you feel that visceral feeling of being willing to kill and maime millions to protect them, you haven't experienced it.

    You were their mothers boyfriend. Nothing more.
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    Doesn’t work for everything, I’d rather surgeons and pilots weren’t faking it. Everyone faces situations where their confidence in their own abilities fucks off and they’ve just got to get on with it and hope for the best.

    Parenting is definitely endless not really knowing and hoping you’re doing the right thing. It’s an amazing feeling watching your child grow and helping them overcome stuff. My Dad used to give me the advice that nothing worth having is ever easy. I think he’s right.
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