
I’m starting to get the sneaking suspicion that some of my bosses and clients who want to constantly talk on the phone or meet in person aren’t saying that because it’s their preference. The are saying it because they legitimately don’t understand how to read an email chain.

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    I hate people who just want to talk on the phone all the time. Got some clients who keep calling about every little shit.
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    My grandmother always adds her answers at the bottom, so that the mail history goes from the middle outwards, bouncing up and down. But I guess I shouldn't complain, I have a grandmother who can write mails.
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    @Fabian but it sounds fun maybe one day you can show us an example and mention me so that I don't miss it :D
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    It's in German, so you probably can't read it. Also I don't want to go through my mails trying to find an example where there's no private information. Or censor it. I think you can also just imagine how it looks. At least GMail hides the quoted part, so that I just see the new text.
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    @Fabian German is easy to understand ;)
  • 0
    @mrmaavin Then just the second reason: Don't want to censor or search for mails without private information.
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