Vscode is a fucking turd. Edit replace in files is not finding shit that is clearly there. Why are all developer tools big piles of fucking shit. Time to drink. Fuck this shit.

  • 2
    Sounds heavily like pebcak to me
  • 0
    The problem started after I closed and reopened the project. wtf. How is that pebcak. These tools are all shit. Go back to notepad++ or vim. Jesus.
  • 4
    A poor workman blames his tools. I guess that makes me a poor workman. Fuck all these tools. Eclipse, Intellij, Sql developer and now vscode. Over engineered creatures of creeping featuritis can all eat shit and die.
  • 3
    Works on my machine
  • 0
    Last 2 sentences should be universal sentiment.
  • 2
    Well, personally, I love PhpStorm. I paid like $400 for a 3-year license, and it was money well spent tbh.
  • 3
    Some people are against paid tool, but Jetbrain IDEs got my vote too. I have used them for years, and they never failed me. They have every tool and features within my grab. Their file watcher tool is one of the feature that I love most. VSCode have a similar tool made by some unknown third party, and it sucks.
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