Bethesda is full of shit. Starfield somehow needs a super new PC because it alledgedly uses modern SW tech.

Strange point: while a high-end PC with 7800X3D and 4090 makes the performance bearable (though not great), the graphics don't look spectacular. In fact, they look outdated.

No Bethesda, you don't use modern tech. You require modern HW tech to make up somewhat for your shitty engine and incompetent devs.

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    Developer of Dx12 -> Vulkan translator Vkd3d explains what's wrong with starfield. I can't even pretend to know enough to question it, but it's seems serious - those devs are not casual ranters.

    Not sure if I can link it here, but it's easy to google
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    analysis showed, that the game could run substantially better, and bethesda's excuse it just there to hide the fact, that they didn't do shit about optimization
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    can't seem to find the original source tho
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    basically what @Been-Outside mentioned
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    The characters actually look really great... under the correct lighting.
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    Did you buy it on opening day? WTF? lol
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    @Demolishun No, obviously not. I don't buy anything at release, neither software nor hardware - but I can still rant about shit I didn't buy for good reason. :)
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    I can't play it because I'm 15h in and a mission trigger is bugged and results in endless loading screen.
    Loaded a 5h earlier save redid the 5h and same problem.
    Fu** that game.
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    @SidTheITGuy maybe not pirating everything. But where it makes sense is probably the way to go.

    Old games, where the publisher wants to keep off the internet for some reason (we're looking at you nintendo), yes absolutely.

    New games, it depends. Not downloading them at first and wait. Let the community be the Beta tester. Later you pirate it, and see, if the Publisher actually earned it, or not. Depending on that buy it, or not. Ignore always online games by default
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    @thebiochemic Wow a downvote! Crazy.

    First of all, you assumed there are even things around worth pirating. I'm not pirating newer titles like Baldur's gate III or Starfield because frankly I don't have time to play those given they are massive games. Maybe 2-3 years from now.

    It's also a thing where companies are getting too greedy. Rockstar released RED DEAD REDEMPTION the first one, at 50 USD !!! Are u kidding me? No graphical improvements whatsoever. So I'll pirate the original one to save that money and play it. Same with GTA Trilogy.

    So, what if I told you that the free games I do play, I dont engage with micro-transactions? Will you downvote me for that too?

    I'm currently playing CoD MW 2 Remaster which I pirated. Bite me.
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    @SidTheITGuy I bought e.g. Stray and Witcher 3 with all DLCs, and I'd say the fun I had was worth the money.

    I still have RDR2 in my backlog, but I bought it when Steam had an offer for 20 EUR, so that's also fine.
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    @SidTheITGuy how nice of you to assume, i downvoted you.

    but since you summoned it, my downvote, youre welcome.
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    @Fast-Nop I am doing what I did for Skyrim. Wait for 5 years after release. By then all the bugs are ironed out (okay, most of them?) and hardware to run the game is cheap. I will let all the 20 year olds take the early financial hit.
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