
I got the job but don't know how to do it. fml

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    @Jilano I had to add new features to the company's app which is hybrid when all I ever do is create apps in Java. They hired me because I created an app they kinda liked in their hackathon
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    @Jilano I'm close to understanding the whole project but I'm just a bit pressured coz It's already my 3rd week being stuck in this and they probably expected it finished a long time ago lol 😂
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    I can totally relate! When I first got my job, I had a hard time understanding the projects and frameworks and I felt really bad about it. It took a few weeks and then I understood everything completely and could work fluently. Don't give up!
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    @Olverine yeah, I'm still trying to learn all the tools, frameworks and environment the company is using
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    Took some time to realize .fml wasn't a file extension. .fml
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    @devpyp could be an extension for a new markup language, thanks for the hint

    welcome to devRant btw ^^
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    @Olverine Is that pretty normal for new positions? I'm only just getting started with web development and anticipating being lost when I start working.
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    @Krokoklemme I'm pretty sure it is, albeit a pretty existential markup language. 😂
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    i mean most of us fell like you. when you start a job in a new company you have to slowly work you in into the different services and projects. So don't give up ;)
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    @wiredgecko Can't really tell since this is my first dev job. But as long as you are going to have to work with something you're not really used to, I would assume so.
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    Thank you! @Krokoklemme
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