Stop it with the Linux shilling already.

I'm 27 years old and I love Linux and git and vim just as much as the next guy (yeah fuck you emacs!). I have discovered this place as a room for discussion, advise, humor and rants of course, and I had my good share of giggles.

But lately it seems that every other Post is "look at me I installed Linux" or "hurr durr he doesn't use git" or "windows omfg kill it with fire". And to some degree, those rants have a good point and are absolutely right. However, most of them are not.

This is why you're part of the problem. Constantly shaming and ridiculing any technology that's not hip in nerd culture, regardless of the circumstances. This makes you look just as bad as the peoples you look down upon for writing their code in notepad++ on windows xp with McAfee installed. Even worse, from a professional point of view, it absolutely voids your credibility.

How am I to take you seriously and presume a fair amount of experience and out of the box thinking if all you do is repeat catchphrases and ride the fucking hype train. And yes, I know there are a lot of minors or peoples who are just getting started in the industry. But I have seen enough self-righteous hateful spews from peoples who claim not to be.

Anyway, this is getting long and I think I have made my point. Maybe I am just too old to be joking around that shit all the time anymore. But from what I have seen, I wouldn't hire the biggest part of you. Not because you are bad at what you're doing, but because what you say makes you look absolutely unprofessional.

But then again, this is devrant and I love you all. Have a great week everyone!

  • 15
    "look down upon for writing their code in notepad++ on windows xp with McAfee installed."

    Not looking at all, no worries there.
  • 2
    I have emacs opened while reading this. My emacs buffer says "well fuck u too droptable!!" :P seriously tho, emacs is amazing, so is vim. I have emacs running on vim mode with a customized space emacs theme. The experience is amazing and customizing stuff with emacs lisp feels hacker af
  • 2
    I don't see why promoting solid, efficient and open source workflow is bad.
    Many people just discovered that they can save a thousands of hours just by ditching Windows and final final (2) copy filenames by using git. Let them enjoy it 😎
  • 0
    @AleCx04 don't worry, I don't really hold a grudge against emacs. I was just playing ye ole vim vs emacs card ;)
  • 4
    Commenting so I don't forget to comment tonight.

    Get ready for a long comment that might get a lot of hate.
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  • 2
    @ocab19 I'll share it when I get home and will have a keyboard :P
  • 5
    @Greggergalactic what is offending is that you would get nothing but hate if you shared your new install of windows. Sure, it's not as cool or nerdy or whathaveyou, but at some point in time this is just edgy and annoying as fuck. Other than that, there is nothing glorious in installing fucking mint over windows. It's not any harder or puts you through any trouble, it's a walk in the park.
  • 2
    @linuxxx honestly interested in your opinion on this matter.
  • 3
    @droptables Got a, for some people, quite radical one :)
  • 6
    Devrant is the only well-traveled community in current heavy use that I know of, in which the prevailing sentiment is pro-Linux.

    I use Linux and have for almost 20 years. It's the basis of the career that I like very much. I do not and have not ever used it because I thought doing so made me cool. I use and love Linux because for my purposes, there is simply no other operating system that comes close, in terms of flexibility, stability, verbosity, efficiency, accessibility, and allowing my computer to be truly, "mine."

    Lots of new users post their newly installed Linux desktops here because they're excited. They're not riding a wave of hype. They want to see what all the (well-deserved, imo) buzz is actually about. More power to them, I say. The more knowledge of Linux there is out there, the better the state of development is.
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    . Following
  • 4
    Well said, Little Bobby Tables. Everytime I read an "omg this OS sux be a real programmer" type of comment I can't help but visualize a school playground during recess.

    Any OS out there has some shitty aspects to it, but they all have good aspects, too. Whatever gets the job done is my philosophy.

    HP Spectre x360 Win10
    MBP MacOS Sierra
    Lenovo Yoga Linux Mint
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    Gonna leave my tent here β›Ί
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    @DLMousey way ahead of you 🍺🍑
  • 1
    @fun2code hehe, I didn't even see that :)
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  • 4
    Well here we go (@droptables). I'm going to describe it as I'm the person you are referring to as that makes it easier for me. BEWARE, I am NOT attacking you personally. Just expressing my opinion :).

    In paragraph 2 you say that most of them are not funny/have a good point. This is an opinion. Although loads of people might agree with you, I do not.

    Paragraph 3, talking about the hip nerd culture.
    I shame/redicule pieces of software which I believe go against one of the most crucial things I stand for: freedom.

    (talking about software in general here)
    Whether it's freedom to modify something the way you like, freedom to check if there's any nasty things like backdoors in a piece of software, freedom to inspect the source out of curiousity/to learn, freedom to re-distribute something because it's awesome to share awesome stuff whether you made it yourself or just improved it or find it awesome in general.

    I repeat my stuff a lot, but mostly because it's neccesary in this world. Hell, the new copyright laws in the EU would give the governments/some big corporations control of what is okay to be published, what code people can view and so on.
    Next to that, with big companies/governments trying to get open source encrypted apps out of the way, I'm going to repeat even more why you need those.

    You know what, I don't care if you that what I say makes me look unprofessional. The things I often talk about (linux/privacy mostly) are my biggest hobbies/passions and if you think I look unprofessional for pointing stuff out that goes against what I stand for, sure, go ahead, tell me. I just won't care.

    AGAIN, not a personal attack!

    Please let's remain friends here πŸ˜…
  • 1
    @linuxxx absolutely no offense taken. I fully respect your point and I might even take your side in an argument. Why?

    Because you can manage to talk about this matter without sounding unprofessional (well, until you get carried away that is ^^, but who doesn't). I think you might even understand the point I have been trying to make. If you felt offended personally, I'm sorry :)
  • 3
    @droptables Thanks for that comment! Yup, you can talk about this matter profesionally but the one thing I always keep hearing is: "I don't mind having a discussion about this as long as your arguments are reasonable". They never find my arguments reasonable. So in the end it always ends up with them calling me all the bad things because I'm about everything what you described in your rant! Only, as you said, I use my own arguments but mostly people find those bullshit and thus - not professional.

    Oh and I'll continue with the Linux shilling if it means (in the eyes of lets just say for now 'hardcore' linux users) something positive :P
  • 0
    Flagging as offensive because rango was shite.
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