My Ryzen CPU got quite hot, and hence also loud, under sustained all-core workloads. The CPU boost doesn't bring that much performance in these workloads (but it does in gaming), so I made two Linux bash scripts.

One does the actual boosting, cpu-boost.sh: https://pastebin.com/K9YShNM6

The other uses Zenity as GUI wrapper so that this can be hooked into the start menu, cpu-boost-gui.sh: https://pastebin.com/X7rhZ8DV

Now I can change it on the fly, even via GUI. Thanks to some sudoers settings (see comments in the first script), I don't even need to enter a password. Obviously, this is only for personal machines, not advisable on servers.

Maybe someone else finds this useful.

  • 0
    @mansur85 It really depends on which CPU it is. The mobile CPUs as well as the 3000-5000 desktop models with integrated iGPU (3x00G, 4x00G, 5x00G) use a monolithic die that is rather easy to cool.

    The other desktop parts from 3000-5000 as well as the new 7000 parts use a chiplet design that concentrates the heat a lot more. The 5800X in particular runs hot because it's also a 142W part, and the 5800X3D with its cache on top is even worse.

    The new 7000 lineup compounds these problems further with its stupidly thick heatspreader.
  • 1
    Nice. Small but useful
  • 0
    Small typo: in the alias comment for .bashrc of the first command, I forgot the closing '. Should be:

    alias cpu-boost='sudo /opt/cpu-boost/cpu-boost.sh'
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