I just hit the scales this morning. I need to lose 10 kg ASAP.

My brain loves programming but my body hates it.

  • 6
    Do you have a standing desk? That helps A LOT.
  • 2
    I work in cubicles so it isn't really an option
  • 3
    @clovisIrex ah that sucks.
  • 7
    I cut my mealboxes with 2/3 (they where 1.5kg when I worked in construction)
    Now they are 500g maximum, also removed all softdrinks (almost)

    Managed to halt my fattiness and reverse it
  • 4
    I think my main problem is carbs and snacks. I don't like fruits and veggies so I eat those too much. And when I'm programming it's convenient too.
  • 11
    Can’t advice anything... but kudos to the fat32 tag 😂😂😂
  • 1
    I'm in the same way. I took like 4 kg since I began my internship, and having a healthy diet doesn't help much, because the simple error, one day, one time, is a severe punishment...
  • 4
    I m allergic to most fruits, but I drink alot of tea because I want something to do
  • 3
    You can start running. After a while it gets fun and you lose A LOT OF weight
  • 3
    @dontPanic I do the same at the moment! It's fun in the morning with your favourite music!
  • 3
    @simonwak hell yeah...
  • 3
    You could start walking/running during your lunch break. You might actually find it improves your productivity.
  • 3
    We have all been there my friend
  • 2
    Long story short, reduce your calories. No soft drinks, no sweets, no snacks, and avoid alcohol. I don't know what your dimensions are, but I'd say 2000 kcal per day is a reasonable goal, and you'll lose weight over time. My friend always said that doing less (eating less) is much easier than doing more (exercising). Obviously, if you have the motivation, do both 😉
  • 1
    Good on you for keeping yourself healthy. Programming is not an excuse for your health though. I can't recommend lifting in the gym enough. It yields so many benefits and keeps your mind clear. I've become an avid gym rat and with it came a healthy lifestyle. Really, try it!

    computernerd != unfit || fat ;)
  • 1
    Bro, its easy: Get a bike, commute, win (or loose... weight ofc)
  • 1
    THE TAGS ❤️😂
  • 4
    Eat less, more often. (Such as 5 small meals a day)

    Have a long period of your day where you do not eat at all (12h, e.g. 8pm-8am). If you exercise, do it in the morning during this period. Eating at night is BAD. DON'T DO IT.

    Varying how much you eat is also beneficial. I find that this cycle works best for me: 3 days, one large, one moderate, one small.

    Drink lots of water, too. Tea is an okay substitute; soda is the devil. If you think you drink enough, you probably don't.
  • 2
    Cut on all sodas and coffees larger than capuchino
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