This is how I feel after working, almost exclusively, with PHP over the last 4 years.

  • 4
    I Feel you bro
  • 12
    Why? PHP is not so bad. It is simple and tolerates many mistakes. Maybe that's why it's considered bad. Set the setting to "strict" and you'll have a full-grown programming language that doesn't tolerate mistakes.

    I like PHP7, especially with the many great frameworks like Laravel, ZF3, ...
  • 3
    @tracktraps I've turned my back on ZF since v3.. next project will be symfony
  • 1
    @tracktraps I've tried to use types for everything; on parameters, return types on functions, etc. This has made PHP a much more sane language, but there are things PHP is just horrible at.
  • 14
    I love PHP. Here, I said it.
  • 3
    One of my friends says: "PHP4/5 was horrible, PHP7 is much better"
  • 1
    @RealKC PHP 7 is much better, but it's still missing a lot. It seems like they're just patching their crappy versions.
  • 2
    @conmarap at least they're fixing their shitty stuff
  • 2
    Oh ya? I am the same way, but with Classic ASP, even though I like it. I find myself cursing it constantly.
  • 2
    @linuxxx "I love PHP".
    My eyes are getting wet ...
  • 2
    @tracktraps Whether that's a good or a bad thing, yes I do.
  • 2
    If PHP had a slightly better type system, pattern matching, and arrow functions, I'd be pretty happy.

    Parameter inconsistencies I can deal with. I never use array_map or array_filter anyway, I use collections with functional methods, and those deal with the weird ordering for me. DateTime is a bitch, but Carbon is a great wrapper. Curl is retarded, but Guzzle makes it nice... etc.

    But I switch/case and if/then are ugly compared to the good pattern matchers from Haskell and Rust.

    And writing

    ->map(function(User $user): User use (..., ...) {...});

    is getting old as well... just give me https://wiki.php.net/rfc/... already!
  • 2
  • 2
    @linuxxx It's a good thing :)
  • 1
    @bittersweet That's why there are frameworks that work around this crap. I can't complain about PHP7 anyway. It's quite all right.
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    Usually is not the language but the programmer 😀
  • 1
    Is this legit from the Simpson's?
  • 2
    @kurtr I edited the original one to look like this. The original one says "Old man yells at cloud"
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    @conmarap ahh I ask because of this rant https://devrant.io/rants/552737/...

    Was hoping I could expand my collection 😂
  • 2
    @conmarap nice editing though!
  • 1
    @kurtr haha! That's a nice one!
  • 1
    @PhantomBKB still does, more than 80% if I remember well
  • 1
    @PhantomBKB I found the actual source https://w3techs.com/technologies/...
    Is more than 80%
  • 1
    Soooo true!!! 😭😭😭 Then you look at Python and it feels as if Christmas had come early..
  • 0
    Discovered Laravel -> yells stopped :D
  • 0
    I will join the group of people yelling "<3 php"

    Yeah, been in PHP 3 years.

    Cant look back. I love it.
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