My boss just gave me a task that Stack Overflow tells me is impossible. He's a senior architect.


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    whats the task? in short
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    @ArturS clearing browser cache when a user's session ends (logout or timeout). What I'm seeing is that you can't clear cache, but you can try to be more explicit about what is cached and how long it can remain valid.
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    @NoNameCode storage, I think. The closest solution I've seen so far is calling location.reload(true).
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    Base your cache settings on a cookie.
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    hmm that depends on what clear means. You can easily set the expiry date to be yesterday and clear everything that way. on logging off it is easy.... for timeout you need to extend the expiry at every request and time everything
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    Nothing is impossible. You can clear the cache of JavaScript and CSS by adding something like script.js?v=200. You can generate a random number put that means you have to inject the script tags on the document. What you're saying sounds like storage though.
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