Do simple Windows apps need space this much? The bulky stuff that Visual Studio and SQL Management Studio put on my machine are already pissing me off and now this? Fuck.

  • 3
    I remember the time when apps on mobile phones were about a few Mb... Now even for the dumbest app, you can't find anything under 100 Mb.
  • 7
    Blame Trello, this is not MS's fault
  • 1
    @Geoxion I have never coded windows apps, but it depends on the tools MS gives... If you want to code and Android app, you have to import that library, this library, but also those libraries (which all belong to the Android API), which are all included in the APK even if you don't use 1% of it. At least it is the case if you are lazy.
  • 3
    That is electron for ya...
  • 4
    @wil222 Well, I have made some UWP apps (just for myself) and the size of the current one with x86, x64 and ARM combined is 22 MB of which 5MB are images.
    A stand by my argument ;)
  • 4
    @wil222 Just checked. Trello is only for PC. So if I build it for x86 only, the build size is 7.5 MB XD (of which 5MB are still images) :P
  • 0
    @Geoxion What do you mean for PC only? They have apps for iOS and Android, and even Windows can run on ARM
  • 1
    @wil222 Ehh nope, no windows ARM
  • 0
    This is electron and not UWP. However, even with UWP u might see an app that is 100+ MBs but the device doesn't download all of it. The UWP appx package contains resources for different devices and DPIs so the store will only pick the resources suitable for the device and won't download the rest. In this case however, it is electron
  • 0
    @azuredivay Yes, this was one of the things that got me super excited for UWP. The OS is smart enough to share these references to reduce bandwidth/disk usage.
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