
So that high level prank from yesterday.

Senior Linux engineer, the fucker.

He somehow installed shitloads of cron jobs onto my system.

Every few minutes it would create a new user with a freaking complicated password. Then it would install openssh server in case it wasn't installed yet. After that it'd set all iptables rules to allow incoming AND outgoing connections on port 22.

That was one badass ansible script though!

I'm not sure what more there's to it because sometimes when i removed crons, they'd magically appear again later AND i forgot to check the boot scripts so i might be fucked again when I get to work today!

Plus side, i finally fully understand cron 😅

  • 10
    did you forget to lock your laptop, or what happened in the first place? :D
  • 17
    @plusgut Nope, it was damn well locked! No clue how he did it haha
  • 11
    @linuxxx oh shit :D
    Ask him, I would like to know :)
  • 14
    @Ranth67 @plusgut The plan between me and another fellow Linux support engineer is to keep it silent until we can hit him bad hard as fuck!
  • 0
    @linuxxx oh okay, good luck with that!
  • 19
    That kind of pranks are amazing to be honest. I take back what I said in previous rant where I'd talk to management. Because these pranks will help in debugging, fixing and having to see what else can be done and how to catch it just by inspecting behavior. Best of luck 😀
  • 3
    Chmod +i is a convienient weapon of vengance
  • 5
    @linuxxx maybe he changed your grub init to "linux init=/bin/sh"? Thus booting in an unrestricted root shell and going to town on your pc
  • 1
    In my opinion he is like a memtor for you... i mean fuck it u understood cron... maybe that was his intention all along....
  • 3
    @FintinaM He's testing him to see if he's the chosen one!
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  • 1
    Best way to learn Linux is to start a friendly hacking war!

    Hope it wasn't an important production machine though...
  • 3
    @linuxxx if you get acces to his machine, just trow in a bash script, which first sleeps for a random amount of time and then throws a fork bomb. Execute that script periodically by a cron job.

    Since it first sleeps for some time he (hopefully) won't think about a cron job in the first place.

    Or just install cenafy as a browser addon.
  • 2
    @linuxxx another attac vector would be alias. If he uses emacs, change emacs to vim (or the other way around). Just some simple alias.

    Or if you like to really anoy him, just make his computer slow with something like `export PS1+='$(sleep 1)'` (you can of course also set a higher time to sleep).
    Note: specially if you do the last one, this could end in an all out war.
  • 2
    This is one hell of a training programm they have you on! :))

    The true CRASH course! :)))))
  • 4
    You gotta log all your foundings and create a linux-prank repository.
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  • 7
    @linuxxx I like that your plan is to wait until you can hit him back.

    Good guy, cracking job, do it!

    My favourite is screenshotting the desktop, rotating it -180deg then using the graphics card driver to rotate the screen 180deg.

    They sit at the pc, all looks normal but the mouse goes the wrong way.

    This can go further with an inverted mouse cursor and r-t-l mode.

    Hope I can be of some inspiration to someone.
  • 1
    @linuxxx I know you love your job and what you do but working with a bunch of systems experts would make me paranoid af, good luck in the prank war dude!
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