Can you teach leadership?

Our dev manager is currently receiving "leadership training" every Friday morning from some folks in upper management... you know, to be a better leader.

Something about personality and EQ... yeah, I call BS!

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    Some topic might work but our piece of shit manager ask how we are doing out of work… ingenuine piece of shit.
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    they are more like "corporate leader training" than leadership training. It's just a bunch of things "leader"s in corporate do but i wouldn't equate that as "providing leadership"
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    I definitely think you can, even though people are too complex to fully understand, there are recurring behavioral patterns with predictable outcome (especially in groups) knowledge of which can improve a person's leadership skills.
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    Like any job, you need experience to be really good but factual knowledge can save time and minimize failures.
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    @lorentz I hear you... at the same time, when your personality type is not that of a "people person", these learned efforts are double the work for someone who doesn't naturally possess them, almost to the point that it feels forced. The real question then becomes should this person be in a managerial role in the first place?
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