Ah thank you for understanding.

PS: I respect people answering on StackOverflow - really helps, even though I don't like the answer itself.

  • 2
    "Maximum size of a log file" somehow sounds like a very bad idea
  • 1
    @12bitfloat you bet. Today I was going crazy why I cannot ctrl + F a value in the logs. Spent 30 minutes to realise that it is being trimmed out.

    And, it’s not that they trim the tail of the log. They just shorten parts of log lines.

    So, you do

    You get this in the log:
    …|someObject|{name: “John Living…(10 more)”}

    The full value isn’t there. (10 more) implies there were 10 more characters that were trimmed.
  • 0
    @nanobot Wow that's pretty bad
  • 1
    This is Salesforce right?

    If so then this is the least of your worries. The platform is horrific. Get out now if you can....
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce yes. I’m trying, I’m trying 🥲
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce yes it is. I’m trying get out, I’m trying 🥲
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