Boils my fucking blood.

How many billions of dollars is Microsoft worth again? And they still make me update my fucking updater?

Why is there even a separate program for updating??

  • 2
    @azuredivay Just because it's better doesn't mean it's not shit. I should not need to manually update the installer, and the installer should not be a separate program (I have never even fucking seen this kind of thing before).

    Sure, a Hummer is more efficient than a space shuttle, but that doesn't make a Hummer any good on gas.
  • 4
    @azuredivay Then I must be turbo angry at its consistent bullshit
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm I'll save a screenshot of this comment for turbo bad days.
  • 5
    Well I do get the installer is a sperate program because its way quicker to change something that way. Besides you can install two different VS installations next to each other and manage it with one installer.
  • 0
    @azuredivay so this wasn't just my impression.

    I was ready to slack off all morning but it was quicker than expected
  • 3
    Let yet another round of Microsoft bashing begin... Today we are bashing MS for making the Visual Studio installer a separate component.. You know, this thing that is responsible for installing lots of different components and configuring them while you go grab a coffee. How dare them make it a separate program?? Fucking Microsoft.
  • 0
    Do we need an installer like Adobe CC? I have seen MingW-64 with a separate installer last time I installed it.
  • 0
    @azuredivay it's faster, true. But common, updateception
  • 2
    @demiko Visual Studio should all be in one piece. Imagine eating in a restaurant and going across the street to pay. It just doesn't make sense that it isn't an integrated part of Visual Studio, seeing as the fucking thing is 20GB already.

    @MrCSharp You seem personally offended
  • 2
    @demiko Installers, sure, but updaters? What's the point?
  • 2
    @demiko Absolutely not, an installer is a one-time program which is run before the actual program is on your computer. You then throw the installer away and never see it again.

    An update is a service used by the program to keep itself up to date. This is often done much more than once. It should not be separate from the main program as it is a part of the original. What's next? The "New Project" dialog is it's own program too?
  • 2
    @AlgoRythm so this installer isnt like your common installer. I open my installer on a monthly basis to change my VS setup. Remove some components, add other. The hassle it would be to redownload the installer everytime...

    If something you dont like is implemented its not bad by definition. I use it, I see the use for the seperate program and tbh I dont even use half of the installers features. Ive had three VS installations on one PC via this installer.

    So dont cry about things that are really nice for tons of people but you dont use. Half of the git commands are useless to me. You dont see me crying because I know there might be a use for it sometimes.
  • 3
    @Codex404 You're off track, and getting a bit personal.

    I am complaining about the update. Not the installer, not the modifier. The updater. Why do I need to update the updater, why is the updater not just a part is VS.

    That's what the rant is about.

    I get the installer hub. Cool. Not what I was ever talking about.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm it looks otherwise here.

    And sorry for getting to personal? But complaining about a feature which is really nice for some people is crying in my eyes.
  • 2
    @Codex404 "Oh, boohoo, stop complaining about tech on devRant". This is a discussion, not a personal argument, I would appreciate if you dropped the rude tone.

    How is a modular UPDATER (keyword you tend to miss) a nice feature? It just doesn't make sense, and it comes with the side effect that I need to update my updater before updating my program, which is ridiculous.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm I guess we agree to disagree in my tone. But if it really is rude then Im sorry.

    And again you were clearly talking about the installer in the message I shared the image of. Im not reacting about the updater, because I do see that that is a bit weird.
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