
How does one come up with good project ideas?

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    1. Jump in the shower. Sitting under the shower is a good way to jump start the process of idea generation.

    2. Once your mind and soul are purified draw a pentagram.

    3. Slit a goat's throat while reciting the ancient words.

    4. When Beelzebub the Lord of the Flies and Keeper of Profane Knowledge appears ask him for a good project idea.

    Alternatively, do what Google does and find a slightly profitable web application, create a clone with minor improvements and a LOT of data tracking, and slap your logo on it. That gets messy though and may cause permanent damage to the soul.
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    @ThatDude I meant sitting as in "staying". More likely though you should be kneeling. You are about to ask a favor.
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    @projektaquarius OMG!!! I tried your way and it works, I already finished my first project and now I'm working on my second one πŸ˜€

    Just mocking those Instagram spam about: a guaranteed way to crack wifi password from your phone. They have this type of comments in their spam πŸ˜’

    I'll show my self out πŸ˜…
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    using creativity techniques πŸ’₯

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    Have a problem without suitable solutions. At least that's how I come up with them. I made a remote PC shutdown tool, a chord progression browser, etc.
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    What I usually do:
    - Think
    - Think harder
    - Go on GitHub and find interesting shit, then think “Hey I can do this” and then I do it. Sometimes in a new language, it’s usually the most fun
    - Think about something we have at work which I’ve never worked with before, so I do my own thing but way smaller

    It’s all about exposing yourself to different projects and ideas, then processing them in your head until you come up with something semi-original.
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    write down all ideas, cross out the bad ones, what remains is good
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    Find something you find annoying and create a better way to do it. If you use software to do it let's call it a bonus.
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    @heyheni interesting read
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    @Jupiterflyby This right here. Personally, if I am not invested in making something easier or better for myself or someone else, it's hard to stay motivated. YMMV.
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    @datawraith plan b go to the dailyprogrammer sureddit find something interesting and try to solve it. If you finish great if not it's also ok no pressure. The important thing I believe is to practice and learn.
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    Think about what tasks could be automated.
    I you can't think of one, think about what social interactions could be better handled than they already are.
    If you can't think of one, think about useful stuff that only exist in the real world and try to mimic it.
    If you can't, then think about yourself : your tastes, what you'd like to be able to do, but can't. Maybe your vocation (if you have one). It can be anything.
    If you can't think of one continue thinking about what could be thought about.

    All this has to be done before, during and after a hot, long shower. Try to do it for fun. That also helps.
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    Think about your everyday life. The things you do, things you don't do, things you ought to do. Find a place where a project can improve the way you do things.

    Find that itch, and cure it ☺
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    Adding to the great suggestions above, I'd say it starts with the little ideas. Start working on a tiny utility for fun and feature creep can help out a bit!
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    See this is why we love devRant. So many constructive suggestions. I am just having trouble opening my mind and I thought I could use helpπŸ˜€
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