
7 years of "learning" "IT" at school...
What have I learned: Excel, Word, PowerPoint....
School started. I got the new book and we are doing more than MS Office!

We are making a website
With Wix!!!!!!???!?!!?!!
Fuck me!

  • 9
    @illusion466 If education was that better, noone would call us hackers anymore
  • 12
    I was expecting MS FrontPage
  • 3
    Lmao. At least we are doing basic HTML and CSS.
  • 4
    (And coding in C#, that's the main topic here)
  • 1
    @filthyranter I look your profile for the first time, turns out you are also born in October. Also update it to say C# 7.1 there is this 'return default;'
  • 1
    I hate to say that you are luckier than most people out there. Schools at my country don't go past Word and Excel.
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    @Mitiko I didn't read through that yet, I'll update it as soon as I know stuff ^^
  • 3
    I spent 5 years doing IT in school and 3 years doing IT in college. I have never used any of the things I was taught.

    All of my developer knowledge was self taught.
  • 1
    Feel you bro
  • 0
    @illusion466 currently procrastinating from an assignment where I have to write about different methodologies :/
  • 2
    At my high school we got pretty minimal exposure to vb.net, c#, and SASS. A teacher tried to touch on HTML one but it was clear nobody cared.

    Fast forward to right before freshman year of college, I cram C++ tutorial videos, test out of class, and now I'm a semi-not-terrible web developer!
  • 2
    Well IT Is not CS.. I studied IT and did not see a single thing on MS Office.

    My program was about project management and ITIL, something about HR and JAVA basics.
    With some stuff about licences, ethics and software legal stuff.

    I guess It was not all that bad.
  • 3
    The german word wixer defines a person who faps. I bet they got their name from that word.
  • 1
    @Mitiko I heard WordPress is way more famous than Wix these days
    (cries in the corner)
  • 0
    @illusion466 My high school started teaching Java in grade 11. By grade 12 I had a fairly good understanding of OOP.

    In college, it took 3 semesters before I learned something new.
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