
I have an app idea, I need people here to tell me if this make sense.

In short I want to creat an app that supports forums and chat rooms but only for people close to you.

The reason being that whenever I move to a new place, I basically have no knowledge of what’s going on around me what so ever, so if there’s a forum that I ca easily navigate and see what people are talking about it will be great. There are certain buildings/managements that has their own app but doesn’t seem to be used at all, I think one reason being that it’s a new app for new neighborhood, and the range is too small, I’d rather see what people do around me but not within one single building

And the reason for chat room is because if I’m going some place for an event, first if there’s this forum it will be great because people can just post questions there, second if there’s any session then it really makes sense to have some time and location limited chat room for me to join, and I don’t have to worry about it once I’m out of that location or time has expired. Recently I was in a conference and people are straight up creating messenger groups.

I think it makes sense to combine the two, you have a forum where you post things that your neighbor may have answer to, and if you want to creat an event, you can create a chat room just for the event, which expires after certain time.

I need to know if this idea sounds plausible. Devrant do your best, thanks

  • 2
    thanks for the idea.. i was running out already!
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    @joewilliams007 why not work together?
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    isn't this basically nextdoor? https://nextdoor.com/
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    I remember long ago I used some chat app, can't remember which one was, that had a feature similar to what you described.
    You could create a chat group at a certain location, and people within X kilometres could see your group and join. I liked the idea but it seemed to be an underused feature on the app.
    It also has a "shout" feature, to just say something to the void and people within X kilometres could see the message and answer to it.
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    Did you just reinvent Jodel?
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    How would you market this so people actually use it?
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    I think YikYak kinda did this
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    @fullstackcircus I tried it, it’s not exactly what I wanted
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    @alexbrooklyn I’m not sure, maybe go for university first?
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    @alturnativ not sure if yik yak is still alive, but 10 years ago it was already flooded with spams
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