
Already ranted about it. A superior did not provide required information, screamed at me and a colleague.

Of course we got blamed for it. In a meeting with me on one n and all bosses and superiors on the other side of the table, i had to explain my and apologize for my misbehavior.

I had made up a good diplomatic plan, because i know my bosses and how they think of themselves and their roles in the company so it was not that hard to get out of the situation without harm to me and my job.

It felt disgusting. It worked and was a good solution, but it felt so unjust.

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    I know this just sounds like me being a piece of crap, but I honestly am wondering. Did you ask multiple times for the info, or just wait for it? Also, you should ask by email from now on, so you have record of him not responding
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    It was information about a new restricted procedure. Leadership created it and didn't tell anyone.

    He also later blamed our software team leader for not telling the devs, but that guy had also never heard of it.

    Until the moment if conflict, i didn't know that it existed. Well, no one did.
  • 1
    @CWins You should just stop documenting everything you do. When he gets mad, say you used him as a role model.
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