
Ugh I was looking into React Native Expo and build an app fairly quicky, everything was going well! I just finished a poc and wanted to build it. Well I have build two times before on Expo Cloud. Took like 10 minutes in total. I submited my build and bam 2 hours free plan queue. Motherfuckers! Sucking my dick for the first 2 builds and than asking for the money. When I want to have priority queue I have to pay 99$ per month or 1$ per build wtf is that?? See I get that I should not have expected much from this free service but be upfront with me pls.

Than I tried building the app locally on my MacBook but ofcourse that's always a pain in the ass and after staring at an error for half an hour and trying to fix it with minimal google search results, I gave up for now. Now I'm looking at the fucking downtime timer of 60 minutes before my mini app get's build and oh if it fails I'll have a mental breakdown

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