Today, various artificial intelligence services are actively developing. I think it is not worth focusing on the fact that many scientific articles have been described on this topic like these a href="https://writingbros.com/essay-examp.... But my concern is this: Does it make sense for young people to study most of computer science after school? After all, the work of junior specialists can be replaced with the help of artificial intelligence. Of course, there will be specialists who will automate all processes and control their work. But most likely, the number of specialists in demand will be much lower. It is a pity that it is impossible to accurately predict what the IT industry will look like in 15 years. After all, artificial intelligence can replace not only programmers, but also designers and representatives of many other professions in the industry.

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    I understand that today AI is not perceived as a serious competitor that can replace good specialists. And perhaps the opinion that it can only be used for routine tasks is correct. But if you look at 10-15 years into the future, then perhaps in some technological processes the labor of people will be unnecessary.
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    @MorwinMahi as far as I can tell AI isn't intelligent at all.
  • 1
    Are you a bot? That looks like sanitized html 😅
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    @ScriptCoded No) not a bot) I plan to graduate and start a career. And I don't want to work in an industry where employees will be massively reduced in 10 years. I would like to develop a career in 10 years, and not think about getting a new education and having a new specialty.
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    @MorwinMahi don't know what happens in 10 years but if devs are replaced so are many others. A safe bet would be to become a surgeon. Good luck!
  • 1
    @neriald You may be right, but becoming a medical worker is very difficult)))
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