
Hey new to the App ✌️ whats everybody working on this weekend :)

  • 6
    Welcome to devRant.
    Currently learning Rust.
  • 4
    Nice yeh ive exausted Destiny 2 so this weekend its watching my kids while wifes at work then this evening will be doing Vue courses
  • 3
    Welcome. I'm working on selling my motorbikes as moving soon. Also setting up linux mint with our intra company security suite and VPN software. I'm apparently one of the 0.1% who willingly undertakes this crusade, as most users are win/mac and antivirus/vpn packages our intra company IT sec department maintains are focused on those. But they were nice enough to bounce a few debian packages my way, do now I have to get my hands dirty
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    wish i could sleep right now insertYawnhere
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    I'll be virtualizing my server tomorrow so I can host vms for friends or temporary projects.
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    Working on fixing my sense of time

    I thought it's Sunday, roughly 17:00, but turned out it's Saturday at 15:33
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    Rewatching Beast Wars: Transformers. Fucking amazing cartoon.
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    Nuff said!
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    React native app
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    A new game engine of my own 😕
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    And welcome 😊
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    my super super super simple github site
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    Winning a sailing competition... needed some diversion from coding for once...
    But next weekend I'll be back!
    (A chess engine and a school / study management tool are my current projects)
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    @ParkCity link?
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    Learning Phoenix Web Framework
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    Working on a dynamic periodic table with design as one of the top priorities..
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    Welcome to devRant

    currently taking a walk somewhere in Osaka to ease my troubled mind
  • 1
    Welcome to devRant :)
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    Nothing because I can keep the motivation I have when I start typing.
  • 2
    Started new weekend project:
    to build devrant api wrapper in python.
    Read more:
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