
Me: *just playing around with Git on my terminal*

Friend: "Man, you're such a geek, typing your git command on the terminal.. I myself can't use git without the GUI at all"

Me: *stares at him in silence*

Me: "Wait... THERE 'S A GUI FOR THAT?"

*true story when I was in college*

  • 40
    Yeah, and it sucks 😄😂😭
  • 10
    I'm making my own Git Gui, not because I want one but to learn C and gtk. Seemed like a simple task, a few days of work and I've got the basics done.
  • 7
    I really want a GUI that will do partial file commits.
    I'm so tired of undoing changes to commit them in stages ☹
  • 3
    Wait... There IS a GUI for that???
  • 2
    @wholl0p for Windows and Mac, yes
  • 3
    @Krokoklemme didn't know that... But I am more of a CLI - guy so...
  • 16
    I think git kraken is nice. I know most people here hate GUI, and good reasons. But a GUI does some things better than a terminal. Like seeing more information on the screen
  • 2
    Yeah, diff view is better in the GUI imo, no matter whether it's the one integrated into your Editor (VSCode in my case) or the one in GitHub Desktop...
    But more 'complex' tasks are either complicated to do or impossible, so CLI for that
  • 1
    @mahdoosify gitkraken is so annoying.... i cant live without it...
  • 1
    Gui is OK, until you try to do git cherry-pick, bisect or diff-index --check.
  • 2
    JetBrains' IDEs have excellent git integrations, but I always have either GitKraken or SourceTree to light my darkest hours. :(
  • 2
    Another vote for gitkraken. Although it cannot replace the cli it's still pretty useful.
  • 6
    @Ashkin SourceTree does that, more or less. You can stage Single chunks of your changes.
  • 2
    @Ashkin you just gave me a side project haha
    Great Idea... I dread partials, I get away with doing mass commits with one message only because I am doing solo projects, but that won't fly in the industry.
  • 4
    @dalastTomCruise !!!
    If you finish it, share!
    I'd love to fork it 😊
  • 5
    CLI masterrace
  • 5
    Screw the gui, terminal for life 💪
  • 1
    I use Tower (for Mac). The company bought me a license. It's a dream.
  • 3
    @Ashkin if you're on macos, there's an awesome app called gitup that, among other things, lets you stage/unstage individual changes. it's free/open source, and it's got some other nifty features like a stash manager too.
  • 3
    @edensg oooh hell yes
  • 1
    @Ashkin No problem, enjoy! It also gives you a `gitup` command you can run in a directory to open the current git repo in gitup — handy if you still like to use the command line for some things
  • 3
    @edensg I live in the terminal. So. 😋
  • 2
    @Ashkin 😁 same here
  • 3
    @edensg @Ashkin well shit now I don't want to build that gui wrapper for git.
  • 3
    @dalastTomCruise It still is an excellent exercise.
  • 1
    @demiko well the program I was going to create would interface with the command line with bash files. All you would need to do is click on the file(s) you want to commit and add a message in the text box and hit commit (button) and then (was gonna do it in python) python would initiate the bash script to commit the file through CL. Of course I would also do pushing and staging as well.
  • 1
    @demiko that would be cool
  • 1
    I use gitkraken. Its very useful like 99% of the time.
  • 2
    I always let the IDE do the work, because honestly, I still don't fully understand most of it. And i only used it for one simple app alone.

    PS: foreveralone.png
  • 2
    @Ashkin GitKraken has: full, folder, file, chunk and line staging.
    It's the meta 😎
  • 2
    @rangler That site looks *amazing*! Wow
  • 2
    Haha. So. Many. GUI's. I can't decide which one to use. I refuse to pay $80, so I'm stuck between Fork and Cycligent. May actually pay for GitAhead tho.
  • 1
    Only good gui for git is magit. :)
  • 2
    @Ashkin You should try GitKraken its awesome
  • 0
    If you use Sublime Text, I highly recommend GitGutter. Super awesome git integration into ST.
    I only used CLI git before, until I discovered GitGutter
  • 0
    I was on gitcracken until I tried cycligen. it's more awesome and I didn't think that was possible.
  • 0
    My work uses tortoiseSVN... For git... And it's trash lol
  • 0
    @dontbeevil yes, obviously lol, yet it's being used for git
  • 0
    @irene idk if that's what it's called, but the one we use is literally called tortoiseSVN, it was a bit confusing when I started, they said they switched from svn, but kept using the same client, it's dumb af, I'm with anyone else who thinks the cli is just the way to go, alias this, alias that, anything but a mouse lol
  • 0
    @irene not really sure, it was already set up for me :p never really cared to ask, I care not to pick up any bad practices from this shit hole lol
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