Can someone please explain to me WHY THE FUCK non devs feel like they know shit. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HOW YOU FOUND SOME UNTRUE SHIT ON GIZMODO. I'VE KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT THIS SHIT, AND YOU LOOKED UP THE FIRST EXAMPLE YOU COULD FIND THE SUPPORTS YOUR CASE. The most recent time this happened was OVER THE LAST FEW DAYS when this DUMBASS that my friends and I BULLY but HE STILL HANGS AROUND. (By bully, yes sometimes we are mean to him, but we're not out to get him. He comes to us and we don't wanna be with him). So after the SEVENTH groupchat (on two apps) he created that night, HE WANTED TO SWITCH BACK TO ANOTHER APP I SPENT A WEEK TRYING TO GET THEM TO SWITCH FROM PREVIOUSLY (It was whatsapp, i got them to switch to telegram). THEN HE TRIED to ARGUE with me about how TELEGRAM wasnt secure. HE SEARCHED "is telegram secure" on Google and chose the FIRST ARTICE from the previously mentioned, GIZMODO which says that TELEGRAM chats ARENT ENCRYPTED by DEFAULT. HOW THE FUCK DO DUMBASSES GET THIS KIND OF PUBLICITY. There's a difference between ENCRYPTION and END TO END DUMBASS. Then he told me whatsapp is more secure than telegram. NO ITS FUCKING NOT. In telegram, your encryption keys CHANGE every chat, or every 100 messages. To my best research, whatsapp only has ONE key per USER. I could go on forever about how chat backups in whatsapp are UNENCRYPTED or how FACEBOOK stores your data, but blocked you works to.

  • 23
    Yeah... These guys Are always like that
  • 4
    @Rayne what an accurate image
  • 4
    T’is the psychological power of confirmation bias. A very real thing that everyone “suffers” from.
  • 2
    Actually he's right; Telegram has horrible home-rolled security. You're honestly better off with WhatsApp between the two. The privacy people here say use Signal or Riot.IM for the best crypto.
  • 0
    @RiderExMachina well WhatsApp uses wispersystems signal encryption, as do a few other chat apps. MTProto is the telegram encryption and i thought some researchers found "theoretical" holes in security (not sure if there was any actual proof of concept).
    Signal is pretty good. I use it regularly.
  • 0
    With all the controversy around Telegram, I'd rather just use Signal and be done with it. I mean, you COULD be fine, but with the stuff we can prove about the two platforms, Signal is the better choice as far as privacy is concerned.
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