Some question for ya creators

What was the first 10 rants here?

How many users are in devRant? (including ghost usernames)

Server costs how much in a day?

How did ya guys met together?

P.S. I remember you two had a building with the devrant logo in the top. Where is the location? (@trogus)

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    @CozyPlanes a building with the devrant logo? do you mean like a devrant office?
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    David and I met when we were both working at an online dating company back in 2012. Started doing mobile games together then branched out to apps.

    I believe we just hit 40k registered users. Now that I redesigned the web landing page we've been getting more web sign ups, so I need to hurry and finish the new web app redesign. It's looking good, and very close, should have it out in the next couple weeks.

    @brucenanner our building is in midtown Manhattan, used to be the Avengers Tower. @dfox is a shrew real estate negotiatior, we got a great deal on it.
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    Building for reference
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    @trogus this is fantastic. Thank you...thank you.
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    @trogus do you guys give tours ?
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    @trogus just asking. Can you give the latitude and longitude? I would definitely visit ya
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    If @tahnik doesn't mind, add this above main entrance of devRant tower it will look great I guess
    Though rename it to devRant
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    @trogus if you (hopefully!) hit 120k users and don't hire anyone, you'll have more users per employee than facebook
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