
My new wallpaper ❤️❤️

  • 19
    You should burn in hell
  • 23
    That reminds me how I once installed Ubuntu with Cinnamon and a windows 10 theme for a client (instead of actual windows).
    Noone will ever know... :P
  • 2
    It will rustle more Jimmies if you were using KDE instead of that Windows 8 like unfunny meme of a desktop software Canonical shit out
  • 0
    @legionfrontier yet, it's still one of the most widely used distros...
  • 0
    With a good reason ;)
  • 0
    Care to elaborate :D?
  • 1
    I'm just confused if you hate windows, ubuntu or both :D?
  • 0
    the hell is real,
    m looking at it😱😵
  • 0
    @luci4 Hater deluxe, obviously you develop in java :D :D
  • 0
    I like it. It's quite amusing. (and I like orange)
  • 0
    @demiko I'll look it up, when I'm at home. :P
  • 0
    So what is your Host-OS?
  • 0
    @demiko well... The cinnamon theme in question is just called 'Windows 10'. XD
    You can find it at Themes -> 'Add/remove desktop themes' -> 'Available Themes (online)'
  • 0
    @LinusCDE Hehe :) it is a win 10 :) but (un)fortunalley i can't do it without windows, this way I have the best from both worlds :)
  • 0
    @fun2code huh, good question :D I belive this lucy character was removed from my joke rant :)
  • 0
    @jejdrek This was my biggest fear. Why do you put an orange Win10 stock wallpaper on ubuntu.
    Your're commiting a felony to linux!

    If you would have a Linux-Guest, it would be a funny joke. But this is just cruel!
  • 0
    In a VM, which OS is your host if I may ask?
  • 0
    @simo002m it's win10 :)
  • 0
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus I heard that so many times, but nobody cared to explain? So, why in your opinion is Ubuntu linux version of windows?
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus Good points! Which distro do you use?

    I personally don't have problems with it, but then again, most of my linux experience is with Ubuntu and I'm used to it :) However i'm always open for trying new things :)
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus I refuse to recommend Mint to anyone since I learned a bit more about it.

    1. The kernel has to be upgraded manually (if you only use the graphical update manager, you'll stay with an old kernel and hence, potential security issues)
    2. It is based on Ubuntu, but some packages - partially security patches - from the Ubuntu repos are blacklisted.
    3. There exist no security advisories for Mint. They refer to those from Ubuntu/Debian (because it's using mainly the packages of those distros) - but Mint adds more packages to the mix and keeps others on older versions. However this leads me to point 4...
    4. Mint is basically Ubuntu with security issues and a different desktop manager. If you want the 'Mint' experience, just get Ubuntu and install Cinnamon on top.
  • 0
    @demiko Or this.
    That's a bit less suitable for beginners though. ;)
  • 2
    Just gonna stand there and watch you burn.
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