I am a computer science student and have worked with Java and C++ until now. A week ago i started in a job i have gotten from my professor. I have to reverse engineer a big python project and figure out how some things work on the serverside. This is the first time i have to work with python.

I get that you can write code fast with this dynamically typed language, but BOY. Is it just me or is this language fucking hard to reverse engineer? I mean what the fuck. There are some member variables in which can be anything. Like you suggest there is an object of this and that and then python comes in and is like: Good guess, but fuck you.

  • 1
    Yeah, the weak typing of Python is one of the biggest flaws imho.

    It's a pretty neat language otherwise that I really like for quickly writing small scripts or trying out something.
  • 1
    I've been using python for 7yrs now, but I'm in a similar situation now (just got put on a legacy project of 250k sloc in python). Python requires a lot more discipline in terms of code structure and naming so you can go around the lack of static typing. IMO it's both a blessing and a curse.

    If you're very careful with the way you write a code and keep to good coding standards it's amazing how much you can do with how little code.

    On the other hand, if you don't enforce those standards from day 1 with time you'll end up with a project that requires 2 months of onboarding to get anything done :(
  • 3
    Yeah, python expects YOU (the dev) to write readable code - but it doesn't force you.

    In the wrong hands this results in horrible spaghetti code.
  • 1
    @theCalcaholic totally agree!
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