My school fucking blocked duckduckgo today.

I'm not surprised, I knew this would happen eventually because this school is a prison and the administrators feel that they have to know your every fucking move.

Honestly I thought it was pretty funny too because I don't know anybody else at school using ddg, which means they probably just saw this one kid getting around being tracked and said "that damn kid." (Imagine I'm waving my finger around condescendingly like an old woman.)

It also could just be that they saw me using an unfamiliar url more than normal and assumed it was malicious or some kind of distraction. But I'm willing to bet money they just didn't like that they couldn't track me.

  • 13
    I would actually immediately enquire (the IT department) about this, since this honestly looks just plain shitty...
    I mean it's a valid, reputable search engine. It's not malicious. They shouldn't have ANY REASON WHATSOEVER to block it...
  • 5
    they just cant handle thr fact that they have no control over what ur browsing using ddg. its like ur gonna target their system and bring them down
  • 3
    @chilledfrogs I plan on it. I'm going in early tomorrow
  • 2
    @Sydochen Keep me posted 😀 I would love to somehow monitor all their web usage as an example so they see, in case they have that mentality of "let's monitor everything" as you say
  • 4
    @Sydochen And yes, indeed, I have developed a chronic hate for school computer restrictions of any sort, even though they're far less extensive in France (thank God, but they're still noticeable and annoying unfortunately) than in Canada or the US
  • 2
    www.zend2.com , used it a lot in high school
  • 1
    I guess I was more lucky.
    The school never really blocked anything, they only temporarily blocked wifi access if a student exceeded 1GB of download in a week.

    But every student could look up statistics for everybody else and this led to people going for "highscores", I think the record was above 50GB in one week.
  • 2
    I worked for my schools IT team some during my high school years, shit I had admin privileges. I was just required to document why I logged in at all times. 😬

    OT: came to follow for the outcome.
  • 2
    Hack them
  • 1
    @Kira0204 actually that's a really good idea tbh. I have this course on ethical hacking on udemy. I don't know how good it is but it's sure to teach me something. Maybe if I can hack into their Network and prove their security sucks, I can offer to tell them what's wrong with it and/or how to fix it for less restrictive internet. Or better yet, admin privileges.
  • 4
    My school sucks in that case, there have been cases where people have hacked them and told them about the loopholes but the school kicked them out. Lesson learnt: Hack them but don't tell them. Btw can you share the link of that course, and if you need any help ping me anytime
  • 5
    As a school IT person your administration most likely didn't care. What it comes down to is that 99% of schools use a 3rd party service that fucks up (sometimes alot) talk to your school IT or a trusted teacher and ask if it can be unblocked. More than likely they'll be happy to unblock it.
  • 3
    @gitlab well, I was about to go complain, but this sounds like a slightly better option
  • 4
    V P N
    V P N
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  • 5
    @Sydochen what @Kira0204 said: hacking/pentesting someone unknowingly can go very wrong, even if you don't actually break anything.
    Even responsible disclosure won't cover your ass, if they decide to come for you.

    You may want to test the waters first, try to gather info on how the people involved may take it. Not everyone reacts rationally to such things, especially if they don't really understand what's going on. All they hear is "I pwn yo shit lol! Gonna burn u to the ground! Panic!"
  • 3
    ddg is blocked in my country for no good reason :(
    Tor for the win!
  • 2
    @JeniEm actually haven't had the opportunity yet. It's been a busy week
  • 2
    @Sydochen Please tell us when you do, I would really like to hear their "reasoning"
  • 1
    If they don't unblock it, you can get around that stuff with a proxy or a vpn
  • 1
    @nosoup4u @Syndochen I get around it easily with Tor 😂😂 but I'm more pissed off out of principle
  • 0
    Duckduckgo is popular searching tool and I am sure you're not the only one using it at your school. Plus it can hardly be considered as unfamiliar url. I used ddg to access https://www.domyhomework4me.onl/ at my school.
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